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Akshara smiled as she walked toward him, her eyes locked with his.


He chuckled. “Small world, huh?”

The staring contest was still on.

“Yeah, I guess.”

He looked at her for a long moment.

“It’s good to see you.”

“Why did you pretend like we didn’t know each other?” she asked.

“Isn’t that what you wanted me to do?” He smirked, and she looked away, not able to hold his gaze again.

Dammit. How does he do that?


“I never said that.” She kept her eyes lowered.

“Hey,” his voice was so soft. She looked up, and he added, “I don’t know what happened between our dads’s, but what you are doing is very sweet. You are doing what you can so your father is not upset if he were to find out you hung out with me.”

“No, it’s not like that. I just… I don’t know how he feels about me hanging out with you.”

“Do you ask your dad’s permission to hang out with someone?” he teased.

“Again, it’s not like that. My dad is very cool, but the part of him where he was so hurt by what happened over twenty years back, I don’t know how he feels about it,” she said and let out a sigh.

“How do you think your father would react to you and me hanging out?”

He shrugged. “I don’t know. I tried to get the scoop out of my uncle, and I didn’t get much. My uncle didn’t make any reference to this thing between our family. Is this even for real?”

Her eyes widened.

“What? My dad has no friends, like no real ones he opens up to, and my grandma told me he was hurt from what happened between our fathers. What about your father? Does he have friends?”

Abhimanyu thought for a moment. “My dad has connections, but he doesn’t really talk to anyone other than his younger brother, Mahesh, and me.”

“See. No one knows how it all happened, and remember I told you what my grandma told me… that your dad decided to leave town to start fresh.”

Abhimanyu nodded.

“I brought that up with my uncle, and he claims Dad moved because of a business opportunity. No mention of anything else that happened.”

She leaned closer.

“Did you say your dad shares everything with your uncle?”

He nodded.

She let out a sigh.

“I really want my dad to have his friend back. I know he is close to his sisters, and I talk to him, too, but I can tell he misses that male companionship. I see my uncles talk to their childhood friends, and it’s different.”

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