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"We are early today."jaehyun said as soon as he entered the class.

"And how can you say that?"asked Leehan, looking at his wrist watch.

"Taesan isn't here yet and that only means we are early."

"It's so unusual. He never comes late"

"Maybe he got busy with something or he couldn't wake up on time cuz of last night's tiredness."

"Yeah maybe."

Both of them walked further and sat next to woonhak.

Class started but taesan didn't come and that's what made them worried.
He never skipped any classes, neither did he ever got late.

"Jaehyun hyung, taesan hasn't arrived yet."leehan whispered in jaehyun's ear.

"I know. It can be an emergency too but he didn't inform anyone of us and it's making me scared."jaehyun whispered back.

"What if..." Leehan was about to say something when a loud voice shushed them completely.

"Can you two shut up for a second? If you wanna stay here and attend the lecture, then keep quiet or else, leave."
It was the professor who was already mad since morning for god knows what reason, and their whisperings made him worse.


"Have you guys seen taesan today?"jaehyun questioned as he sat down in the cafeteria, next to Riwoo.

"How can we see him before you guys? He attends first four classes with you, don't he?"replied sungho.

"Yeah but he didn't attend any classes today."

"For real? It's impossible."their eyes widened at the sudden news.

"I know it's hard for us to believe too."

"Maybe he's sick or something."riwoo said.

"Should we visit his dorm after school?"asked Leehan.

All other four nodded and they had their lunch in silence.


All of them arrived the dorm where taesan was settled in. They knocked on his room door and got greeted by his roommate.

"Hi, we are actually here to meet taesan."

"Oh taesan, he hasn't come back since last night. I thought he was having sleepover or something that's why he was out all night."his roommate replied.

"But he isn't with us either. Where did he go then?"woonhak questioned looking in the direction of the other boys who were as clueless as him.

"Did you try contacting him?"his roommate suggested.

"We did but he isn't picking up the phone and isn't replying to the texts either."Riwoo replied this time.

"Thank you so much for your time. We'll find him don't worry."sungho assured and thanked his roommate and all of them left the building.

"What now?"leehan asked as soon as they came out.

"I don't know. Where can he go? I mean, his parents don't live here and he never mentioned any of his relatives either."sungho said.

All of them stood in complete silence for a second, when suddenly woonhak spoke up.

"Jaehyun hyung, where did you leave him last night?"

"Infront of the alley beside my dorm. Why tho?"

"Don't you think we should go and check that area I mean, maybe we find any clues or something?"

"You are right but we should contact his parents first. What if he left for his hometown?"

"I did it already before coming here and he isn't with them either. I lied to them, that we're just asking cuz I don't want them to worry."leehan replied, looking down.

"Don't worry leehan, we'll find him soon."sungho assured, patting the younger's back who seemed restless.

They left for the place where jaehyun and taesan had parted ways last night and started searching. After good ten minutes when they found nothing, they were about to leave when,

"Hyung, look."woonhak shouted from a distance.

The other four came towards him and glanced at the ring he was holding.

"Doesn't this belong to taesan hyung?"he asked.

"Yeah, it's his. I'm sure of it cuz I myself gave this to him as a birthday present."said leehan, grabbing the ring from woonhak.

"Where did you find it?"

Woonhak pointed in the direction of the corner where he had found it.


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