Dark And Floaty

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‘I shouldn't be bothered with this. I should have kept it at the tips of my fingers that there was a fifty-fifty chance of me remaining here and what? Getting engulfed in yet another dream that will lead me out? Yeah. True. I should have seriously considered that.’

‘But you did.’

‘Did you even listen?’

‘Hah. Who was supposed to listen? If I remember well, I'm the one who warned.’ My soul defended itself, referring to its prediction earlier about this place being another trap.

‘Alright. I accept. But... we're one here.’

‘You're not going to blame yourself forever. This is destiny, just to remind you and, if you don't die here, in one way or the other, you got to get out.’ My mind stated.

‘Right. I just need to relax. I'm tired now.’

‘Good. So, sleep will come and soon you'll be out.’

‘But you can...No. Enough is enough.’ I butted in on my soul which wanted us to extend our search for a way out.

‘I see. Indeed you are tired. If I were you and I needed to find out more about this cave, I wouldn't consider sitting in this wetness.’

‘I'm tired.’ Is all I could say weakly before turning my back to the wall and lowering myself slowly into a sitting position. The floor was wet but I felt like resting my ass down so that I could think properly. I didn't give a damn about soaking my jeans cause I felt that this was already a crazy situation fit. I leaned my bare back to the cool rock and still cared not, the back of my head following suit.

I kept my eyes open to the darkness, the plop sounds entertaining my ears as I waited for sleep to drift me away. As I did that, I wondered how vast this underground trap was. I developed a frail urge to step into the imaginary pool but my thoughts were derailed more towards Mr Guardian and the shout I'd heard. It must have been him. I was concerned that he'd perhaps waited for my return to the upper chamber and given up.

‘But can't he just come down here and save me from this?’ My chest complained.

‘He works in 'mysterious' ways.’ My brain answered. A subtle and breathy silent laugh forced through my nose holes with a smile on my face.

‘I thought I could solve the mystery.’

‘You will. Only if he wishes.’

I shook my head at my thoughts. They were always making sense and confusing at the same time.

‘I wonder when the sleep will take me. I'm super sober. I'ma be here for longer.’

‘Fate. It is what it is. But, the chances are there that you'll meet him. You've wished for it and, the strong feeling you have in your heart craving to see him is a sign of good hope and good hope hardly fails. At least, not here. Not in this world. You're dead, Roma. You can't tell me that you've lost your way. Even in a place new to your eyes, it's so hard to lose a trace.’

‘I think it's Mr. Guardian feeding these words in my head. Or am I overthinking? But... anyway, whatever. I can't wait to get out of this place. I know I like the darkness and everything weird but...’

My mental focus halted at a sudden and little whirl that I felt. Of course, I was equivalent to the blind but I could still recognise the involuntary movement. I thought no further, all my anticipation placed on what was to come. I quietly begged whatever that force or illusion was to hurry and swirl me out of reality.

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