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"Ugh! Why did I even choose this dress? I should have worn something else. i look terrible. " Rosè groaned while looking at herself in the mirror.

"well I still have time . I can change quickly before jungkook come" She decided.

The honking of the car dashed her plans.

"Rosè dear are you done? Jungkook is here! " Her mother informed.

"What happened to my princess? " Her mother asked.

"I look so bad. Jungkook will hate me!! " Rosè whined like a child.

Her mother couldn't help but laugh.
"My princess is looking beautiful as always. Jungkook will admire you not hate you . Now be quick, he is waiting for you" She smiled.

Rosè hugged her mother and then rushed to the living room where jungkook was waiting for her.

"Hi jungkook" She greeted him.

"Hi ros-"His mouth hung open as he witnessed the beauty in front of his eyes. " Beautiful..... " He gasped.

"Thank you " Rosè blushed "you look handsome too" She complimented.

Rosè was  mesmerized by the jungkook look. It was one of those occasion when jungkook had decided to wear something other than formals. Rosè was reminded of the first time when she had  wished he could model for her.

"So now can we go? " Jungkook asked.

"Sure! " Rosè smiled.

❃.✮:▹ ◃:✮.❃❃.✮:▹ ◃:✮.❃❃.✮:▹ ◃:✮.❃

"Can i open my eyes now? Rosè asked impatiently.

Jungkook had blindfolded her as he wanted to surprise her.

" Wait for a minute "he held her hand and guided her towards their destination.

He stopped at a particular place and remove her blindfold slowly.

Rosè was stunned to see the beautiful site in front of her. Her lips automatically crept into a smile.

The scenary in front of her was surely a one to behold. They were surrounded by greenary on every side. The flowers had decorated the area with every shade of colour in an artist's palette. The birds seemed to be welcoming them with their Melodious song.The peaceful aura surrounded them made them feel heaven on earth. In the middle of the enchanting place, was a table set for two.
It was decorated with petals of roses.

"Do you like this place"jungkook asked apprehensively.

"I had never expected this! "Rosè was unable to express her feelings.

Perhaps she had been chosen the wrong words as jungkook face dropped.

"I'm sorry if it was not upto your expectations" Jungkook said sadly.

"I... I didn't mean that i don't like this place. I had expected you to arrange something that other people also do, like choose a restaurant or cafe and other things. But, this is better than all of those. This is the best place I ever been too! "Rosè said beaming  like an excited

"Glad that you like this place. "Jungkook said with his smile proving the truth of his words.

"Have a seat m'lady" He said pulling a chair for her.

Rosè smiled and sat down. She loved the gentle behavior of jungkook and his small gestures.

There were a number of covered dishes in front of them. Jungkook gestured rosè to uncover them. As she open the lids on by one her face lit up even more, seeing this jungkook smile wider.

The Arranged love Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora