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Fated Scents Co.


     "You! Who are you and what the fuck are you doing here inside my office!?"

Blaise flinched at the man's words. While assisting the secretary, he was about to yell at the person who shouted at them but immediately froze in his place as he turned to his gaze to him.

N– Naomi? The alpha said to himself, disbelief evident in his eyes. He can't believe his eyes right now. I– Is this person in front of us is r– really my Naomi?

"What are you looking at, huh? I said, who are you and what are you doing here in my office!? Are you deaf or something?!" The omega angrily shouted, snapping Blaise back into his senses. Shakingly, he guided the secretary to try and stand him up again but the man refused.

"M– Mr. Lee! I apologize! B– But this person right here with me.." The man said, looking at his stressed boss. " your new secretary."


"Wait, what?!"


Mr. Pleng, Nathaniel's current secretary, made his way to Fated Scents Co. with drooped down shoulders and a heavy chest.

Today is the day that he's finally going to make the biggest decision in his life— resigning from his dream company.

He took the elevator towards the Chairman's office to tell him his situation and hand him his resignation. Even though Nathaniel was his boss, his Appa was the one who chose Mr. Pleng for him so the man thinks that it will be much better and easier if he talks to the alpha instead.

As he was about to knock, a smaller figure approached him. To his surprise, it was the Chairman's husband— Mr. Gabriel. "Good morning, Mr. Pleng. What brings you here at my husband's office at this hour? Aren't you supposed to be in Nathan's office?" The omega asked, voice kind.

It still gave a shiver down the secretary's spine. "U– Uh, g– good morning, Mr. Lee! I– I.. I was just.."

The omega saw the envelope that the man was holding on for dear life. He immediately knew what it was. Instead of questioning him even more, Gabriel just smiled at him and said, "Let's talk about this over some coffee, Mr. Pleng."

And the man had no choice but to oblige.


"Thank you." The omega said as the man placed his coffee on their table. Mr. Pleng took a seat across the omega, his hands still shaking in nervousness. "Don't be nervous, Mr. Pleng. I am not angry at you. I suppose that inside that envelope is your resignation letter?" He added.

At Gabriel's calming voice, Mr. Pleng couldn't help but breakdown. "M– Mr. Lee.." He sniffed. "I– I apologize for making this d– decision.. I really tried to understand your son and tried to h– help him as his s– secretary but.. but.. I can't take it anymore!" The man sobbed. Gabriel offered him some tissue. "T–Thank you.."

Wiping his tears, he continued to rant. "At first, I am so grateful by you and Mr. Oliver's generosity after giving me this job.. I was able to pay all of my debt after receiving my first salary.. B– But as time passed by.. M– Mr. Nathaniel.. He– His treatment for me started to worsen and I just.. I just can't handle it anymore, Sir! All of the insults.. the sleepless nights.. and the blame games.. All of it.. I can't stand it no more. I'm sorry, Mr. Gabriel. I'm sorry.." The man sobbed harder and the omega can't help but lower his head in shame.

a boss and a bae | bossnoeulМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя