Chapter 19

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Enadira was now alone, for she went to follow Harry. She had a strange feeling that she should be there to help him, even though he said he had to do this alone. She moved quickly but carefully, looking for anything that could appear and harm her. Then, as she finally made it, she saw Harry slowly walking down the stairs close to the center. She quickly hid in between two walls, and all of a sudden she saw Harry stop walking and heard him groan.

She took a peek and saw Professor Quirrell in the center of the room, in front of the magic mirror from Christmas. "I knew it!" Enadira thought. She was right after all; Quirrell and Snape suspected this too. Enadira took her chance and revealed herself. "Well, if it isn't you, Quirrell," she said, standing in the middle.

Harry turned around to see her, surprised, while Quirrell only smirked. "Hello, Enadira Cromwell," he said. "Enadira, what are you doing?" Harry asked, confused. "I was right along; I knew you were the one behind this," she said. "I knew Snape wasn't the one," she said. "What?" Harry asked, confused. "Yes, Potter, he does seem the type, doesn't he?" Quirrell said. "Next to him, who would suspect p-p-poor, s-stuttering Professor Quirrell?" he said, mimicking.

Enadira started to walk back and forth, pointing at Quirrell. "You are guilty of the charges of attempted murder, Quirrell," she said. "You are responsible for almost killing Harry in the first Quidditch match; you are the one who let the troll in on Halloween; and you murdered unicorns for their blood!" she said and stopped walking, moving next to Harry.

"Though I guess twice attempted murder and finally for the murder of unicorns," Enadira said. "Oh, my god," Harry said, and Quirrell laughed. "Yes, very good, Cromwell," he said. "I have indeed done everything you just said; I must admit that I am surprised that you suspected me when everyone did suspect Snape," he said. "If you were trying to kill me, then Snape tried to save me," Harry said. Yes, that's right," Enadira said. Harry looked at her. "You were right; I'm sorry I didn't believe you," he said.

"It's alright, Harry, but right now we've got bigger fish to fry," she said, looking at Quirrell. "I would have succeeded if Snape wasn't muttering his little counter curse," he said. "Snape wasn't fooled," he said. "While everybody was running off from the troll, he went to the third floor to head me off," Quirrell said. "He, of course, never trusted me again," he said, turning back to the mirror. "Who would trust you?" Enadira asked.

"Snape rarely left me alone," Quirrell said. "That must have been torture for him," Enadira said, and Quirrell smirked and turned around again in her direction. "I really am surprised with you, Cromwell; you of all wizards are the one who found out about me," he said. "How did you know it was me based on the fact that everyone pointed at Snape?" he asked her. "While I saw Snape muttering, I also looked at you from behind; you didn't blink," she said. "Though, it wasn't enough evidence to know if I was actually right until you asked me about unicorn blood, and after the fact, I saw you covered in unicorn blood one night by accident," she said.

"Everything else pinged together, and I knew it was you," Enadira said. "You're forgetting one thing," he said. "I'm never alone," Quirrell said. He turned back to the mirror again, and Harry sensed pain in his head again. "Harry, are you ok?" she asked, and he nodded. "I see myself holding the stone, but how do I get it?" he asked. "Use the children," a mysterious voice said.

"Come Potter, come Cromwell, now!" Quirrell yelled at them, and they both slowly walked toward the mirror. "Tell me what you see," Quirrell tells them. Enadira wouldn't know what Harry would see, but she sees herself older and, with Snape, married. She was blushing, but Quirrell was paying more attention to Harry. "What do you see!?" Quirrell ordered them. "I am the greatest potion master in the wizarding world," Enadira lied. "I'm shaking hands with Dumbledore; I've won the house cup," Harry lied.

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