Chapter 12

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The next day after the late-night adventure, Enadira and Ron could tell that Harry wasn't feeling very well. They both knew it had something to do with the mirror and that he saw his parents inside. As Ron was hanging out with his brothers in the great hall, Fred and George noticed Harry was alone, sitting in a corner by the fireplace. "What's wrong with Harry?" George asked Ron, and they both turned their heads toward Harry. "He's been in a mood," Ron said.

Enadira was sketching Harry from afar with the fireplace and eventually stopped, for it was now time to talk with him. "Why don't you cheer him up?" George said, and he went to Fred. "Come on, Enadira, it seems you'll have to take that drawing out. "No, I'll just finish it later," she said, closing her book. Together, they went toward Harry.

"Hey Harry," Enadira said as she sat behind him while Ron stood up. "Do you feel like playing wizard chess? You've been improving, you know," he said. "No," Harry said, not looking at them but straight into the flames of the fireplace. "Do you want to do anything?" Enadira asks him, and Harry sways his head. "Harry, we know what you're thinking," Ron said.

"We know you want to see that mirror again, Harry, but there's something wrong with it," Ron said. "Best to stay here and not go back to it, ok?" Ron asks, and Harry simply nods. Ron leaves Harry alone, but Enadira stays a bit longer. "You know, I saw my parents in the mirror when you went to get Ron," she said, and Harry turned around. "Really?" he asks, and she nods. "Harry, I understand your feelings; I never met my parents either," she said.

"The difference is that you never saw them at all, and I had pictures and knew what they were like," she said. "You saw your parents for the very first time in your life, like a baby again," Enadira said. "I understand you want to go back to see them, but the best thing we can do is keep living and moving forward," she said. "I know it can be hard sometimes, but in the end, we'll always love them," she said, giving Harry a shoulder pat. "Thanks, Enadira," Harry said, and she could tell that he was thankful for the advice.

Enadira stood up and left his side so that he could be alone with the advice that was given to him. She still suspected he might go again, but this time it was Harry's choice. She decided to go for a walk in the snow because it was a beautiful day. As she was walking around, she saw Harry in his uniform with Hedwig on his arm. Enadira saw Harry release Hedwig, and she flew high in the air.

"When it's spring, I'll have to draw Hedwig and Odette together," Enadira thought as she sat down on the snow with a blanket underneath her. She began finishing her drawing of Harry sitting alone, staring at the fireplace. As she was finishing the touch-ups, she felt someone staring at her. It was coming closer, so she slowly took out her wand, stood up, and pointed her wand at the person. When she saw who it was, it was Snape, who had a surprised expression.

"Professor Snape?" Enadira tilted her head and realized her wand was pointed at him. As she quickly put her wand away, she tripped and fell with a soft thump. When she put her head up, he was gone. "What?" Enadira asked, confused, as she stood up. Then a bunch of snow landed on her, and she heard laughter from behind.

Fred and George pulled a prank along with Ron and Harry. Enadira removed the snow from herself and laughed alongside them. "Very funny," Enadira said as Fred and George bowed. "I really thought it was Snape for a second," she said. "The way you tripped showed it all," Ron said.

"We're going to the lake to ice skate," Fred said, pointing out "Really? how?" Enadira asked. The twins smirked. "Come with us to find out," they both said. Ron and Harry looked eager to see her, so she decided to join them. As they all headed to the lake, Enadira touched it. "Ooh, it's frozen solid," she said.

Fred and George took out their wands. "Accio ice skates," they said, waving their wands. Ice skates appeared for everyone. Only one white pair was for Enadira, and the rest were brown. As they all put their ice skates on and skated on the lake, Harry hadn't set on it. "Harry, what's wrong?" Ron asked him.

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