Chapter 14

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It was now halfway through March at Hogwarts. Every student, especially first-years, was already studying for final exams at the end of the year. Enadira noticed Hermione get stressed from time to time while Harry and Ron were studying normally. Enadira herself has been studying for a good amount of time, but sometimes her thoughts are about Snape. Her thoughts also went to what Quirrell was up to.

Hermione told Enadira, Ron, and Harry to come join her at the grand hall to have a study review session. They were all seated together reading when Hedwig, Harry's owl, finally appeared. "Hi Hedwig," Harry said, and she gave a soft hoot. Enadira looked up from her book and saw the snow owl. Harry, I absolutely love Hedwig; she's such a beautiful owl," Enadira said to him. Yes," Hermione says, agreeing.

Thanks," Harry said. "You know, this is nice—the four of us studying together," Hermione said. "Well, almost all of us," Enadira said, pointing her direction toward Ron, who appeared to be not studying but playing with his wizard cards. "Look at you, playing with your cards," Hermione said, and Ron looked up. "It's pathetic," she said. Harry and Enadira couldn't help but smirk at this.

"We've got final exams coming up soon," Hermione reminds Ron. Ron crossed his arms. "I'm ready; ask me any question," he said to Hermione. Harry kept on smiling at Ron's actions while Enadira simply listened to the conversation. Hermione cleared her throat. "Alright, what are the three most crucial ingredients in a forgetfulness potion?" Hermione asked Ron and is now quizzing him. Ron did not know the answer. "I forgot," he said.

"Ooh ooh, that would be Lethe river water, mistletoe berries, and valerian sprigs!" Enadira said, crossing her arms with contempt, that she knew the answer. Ron scoffed. "Of course you knew that question," he said, smirking. "Good answer, Enadira." Hermione nodded in approval. Hermione turned toward Ron. "And what would you say if this came up in the exam?" she asked him. "Copy off your answer," Ron said.

Enadira laughed while Hermione held a stern face. No, you won't," she said. "Besides, according to Professor McGonagall, we're to be given special quills bewitched with an anti-cheating spell," Hermione said. Ron gasped. "That's insulting!" he said, while Harry and Enadira laughed at his response. "As if they don't trust us!" Ron said, looked at the card in his hand, groaned, "Dumbledore again!" and softly slammed the card on the table.

"Maybe you should start studying instead of playing cards now, Ron," Enadira said. Alright, fine," Ron grumbled with annoyance, but he grabbed a book and began to start. As they continued to review, everyone started to laugh, and Enadira looked up along with her friends. They saw Neville hopping with something tied to his legs. "Leg-locker curse?" Ron asked, confused.

Malfoy," Harry suggests, and Ron nods in agreement. "Honestly, Draco is such a nuisance," Enadira exhaled. Neville finally makes it by hopping to their table while the students are softly laughing at him. "You have got to stand up for yourself, Neville," Ron said, swaying his head. "How? I can barely stand at all," Neville said as his body tried to gain a standing balance position.

"I bet if it was you, Enadira, you'd cast something on Malfoy," Neville said. "Well, you're not wrong, but I'd let him cast first so he gets in trouble and not me," Enadira said. "Nice, acting defenseless damsel plan," Ron said. Seamus walks up to Neville, takes out his wand, and smiles. "I'll remove the counter curse," he said. No, that's all I need; you'd just set my bloody knee caps on fire," Neville said to Seamus.

Enadira chuckled at Neville's response, while Seamus gave an annoyed expression. "I don't appreciate the insinuation, Longbottom," he said, smacking his wand down on the table. "Besides, if anyone cares to notice, my brows have grown completely back," he said, showing and starting to walk away with a piece of his hair missing from behind. Enadira and Hermione hid their laughter as he walked off.

First year: A stoned heart professorWhere stories live. Discover now