Chapter 15

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The trio and Enadira got caught sneaking out of their dorms to see Hagrid about the sorcerer's stone. There they stood across from Professor McGonagall's desk, where she sat in Transfiguration class. While the four of them stood with guilt, Draco was beside them, a bit away from where Ron stood, and was smiling with his arms crossed. "Someone's proud of himself," Enadira thought. She can sense that he was giving her the biggest smirk on earth, as he loved getting her and her friends in trouble.

"Nothing, I repeat, nothing gives a student the right to walk around the school at night," Professor McGonagall said to them, except Malfoy. "Therefore, as punishment for your actions, fifty points will be taken," she said. Enadira and the trio's jaws dropped from this punishment. "Fifty!?" Harry was shocked. "Each," McGonagall said, which made Harry shut his mouth as Draco continued smiling beside them. "And to ensure it doesn't happen again, all five of you will receive detention," Professor McGonagall said.

When they heard the five of them, Enadira's eyes glanced at Draco's half-split, confused expression. "Excuse me, Professor," Draco said as he took a step forward. "Perhaps I heard you wrong; I thought you said the five of us?" he asked. Professor McGonagall gave a slight smirk. "No, you heard me correctly, Mr. Malfoy," she said, which made Draco's brows furrow. "You see, honorable as your intentions were, you too were out of bed after hours," she said. This sudden happy news for Harry found him glancing at Draco.

Enadira couldn't help but smirk too, for he also received detention. "Snitches get stitches," she thought. "You will join your classmates in detention," Professor McGonagall said. Draco turned his head at them, and they gave small smirks back at him. As Professor McGonagall was leading them out of the classroom, Professor Snape appeared. "Minerva, I don't suppose if there's any students available from detention?" he asked her. "Why do you ask Severus?" she asks.

"Longbottom made a disaster in the potions room, and I need an extra hand," he said. Professor McGonagall looked at the five of them and immediately saw Enadira Cromwell. "Ms. Cromwell, come forth," she said, and Enadira walked toward her. "Yes, Professor McGonagall?" she asked. "It would seem your detention will be with Professor Snape tonight," she said.

Enadira's mind exploded when Professor McGonagall said that. "Sorry, what?" she asked. "You'll be with Professor Snape tonight instead," Professor McGonagall repeated. Enadira glanced slightly at Snape and then her friends. The trio was nervous, while Draco was annoyed. "Now that's unfair; I should help Snape, not her," he said to the trio.

"Come along, children, while I take you to Filtch," Professor McGonagall said as she moved along, and the only two alone were Snape and Enadira. "In trouble again?" Snape asked her, but before she could respond, he began to walk back to the potions room, and Enadira followed him. "And you claim Neville made a mess here, but I don't see one?" Enadira asked him. "In here," Snape said, and Enadira took a peek. "Merlin's stars!" Enadira said this with her eyes widening.

Inside, where she peeked, was the closet filled with all types of potion collectibles, which was now covered in a black mix with purple splashes everywhere inside. "I don't understand; how did this happen?" Enadira asked Snape. Clumsiness," he replied. "So we just clean this together?" she asked him. "No, I shall watch you clean," he said.

"What?!" Enadira looked at Snape. "Professor, wouldn't it be better if we cleaned this together?" she asked him. "I have to attend to grading papers," Snape said, and she went to get a few cleaning supplies. He handed these to Enadira. "Tik tok, Ms. Cromwell," he said, and he went to work on the grading papers. Enadira was at a loss for words but exhaled in defeat and went to work to clean. While she cleaned, Professor Snape graded work.

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