"I know baby, which is why I'm so proud of you." He says kissing the side of my head.

I eat most of the plate until it feels physically impossible to eat the rest.

"I want to see him." I say.

"Vincent? He went to rest, he was going to come back to see you after but I can get him if you like?"

"That's not who I was talking about." I say looking into Blaine's eyes, trying to get him to understand.

He seems to understand who I mean. "No." He replies without hesitation. "He is never going anywhere near you ever again, that's a promise."

"I need to see him."

"No fucking way."


"No. Why would you want to go anywhere near Nathan after what he's done?" He asks.

"I want to know why he did it."

"Because he's a sick piece of shit and that's putting it nicely. He thinks I killed his stupid wife but I swear to you I didn't. He used you to get to me and I'm so unbelievably sorry."

"It's not your fault Blaine." I tell him. "But I still need to see him."



"No. End of conversation." He concludes.

"You can't just do that-"

"Yes I can."

"What's going on here?" Sidney asks walking into the room.

"Your sister wants to go and see that fucker." Blaine states.

"Cassie?" Sidney questions, turning to me with a confused look.

"Sidney you don't understand-"

"No. I don't understand why you'd want to see the man that put you through hell and also tried to kill me." He says. I think I liked it better when the two of them didn't agree.

"I want to know why he did it." As bad as it sounds, I don't think I can heal without knowing every detail because right now I don't understand any of it. I need to understand.

"And you think he's just going to tell you his reasoning?" Blaine asks.

"You telling me not to go isn't going to stop me." I state.

"It's not a suggestion. You are not going." Blaine says.

"I agree, you're not." Sidney adds.

"You can't do this."

"I can't believe we're even having this conversation." Sidney says.

"It's for your own good." Blaine says.

"I need to talk to him because I don't understand how someone could do this to another human being. I didn't do anything to him." I say, my voice cracking. "He was supposed to be my friend."

"Oh, castle." Sidney says, his tone softening. He brings me in for a hug. "Some people are just horrible people. Seeing him isn't going to do any good because he's never going to give you the answers you want or need.

"Any excuse that he would have given you wouldn't have been enough. It wouldn't have brought you peace of mind. None of his excuses can take away the pain." Blaine says.

"I don't know what else to do." I sob against my brothers shoulder. "I need Vincent."

"I'll get him." Blaine says, leaving to find him.

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