chapter twenty-six: neveah meets farkle

Start from the beginning

"You do." Maya adds and looks at the nerdy boy.

"We'll get the results from today's interview, and we'll know." Stuart tells the kids who seemed to be a little on edge from the news.

"We know." Farkle nods his head, Neveah sits down next to him and lays her head against his shoulders. Farkle laces their hands together for comfort.

"We don't know." Maya debunks.

Farkle squeezes Neveah's hand when he feels her body tenses up in frustration. "Guys, I've passed every single test I've ever taken."

"He made us come right over. He didn't want to go home, he didn't want to do anything except be with you." Jennifer says to the kids.

"Of course. That's who he is." Carmen smiles at the woman as she leans against Shawn.

"I see it in my classroom every day." Cory says.

"The most important thing to him was that you're a part of this." Stuart includes.

Riley places her hand on his free shoulder. "Because he's Farkle."

Maya nods her head and turns to Farkle. "That's who you are, no matter what anybody says."

Neveah looks up at him through her lashes to see Farkle already staring at her. She gives him a small smile and then turn her gaze to their interlocked hands and gives it a squeeze.

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The six kids were now in Riley's room. Neveah hasn't left Farkle's side since he announced that he had autism, feeling a little upset at Maya's and Riley's reaction and commentary.

She sits on the bay window with Riley and Maya, her legs rests on Farkle's with her head back on his shoulders. Lucas and Jake sit on Riley's bed as Lucas looks on his laptop on his lap with Jake over his shoulder.

"Could you please give us one of your wonderful little Riley pick-me-ups?" Maya pleads to her girlfriend.

"Whatever happens, at least you're in better shape than Maya."

Maya purses her lips into a smile, "Okay, that wasn't what I was going for, but sure, let's turn on me." Neveah slightly huffs as she plays with Farkle's fingers as a distraction.

"You think you got stuff? Look at this! This is a bag of cats." Riley continues, motioning towards Maya's frame.

"Okay there, little helper." Maya says through her teeth and gives the brunette a look to stop.

"What about this one?" Jake points to the link, Lucas clicks on it when he reads the title.

"Alright, this website lists symptoms of Asperger's. Uh, the first one they mention is social awkwardness." Lucas reads.

"Check." Farkle nods.

"You don't do anything awkward." Riley dismisses, Farkle gently taps Neveah to move so he can stand.

She does and he stands to do his trademark. "Hah!" Maya jumps up along with Neveah.

"Well, that's just something you do and you're gonna stop doing that." She looks at Jake and Lucas. "He's gonna stop doing that." She goes to sit him down but Neveah sends her a look causing her to plop back against the bay's seat.

Neveah grabs Farkle's hand and the two go back to their position as Jake continues.

"'Narrowed interests- going on about a subject even if the people he's talking to don't have a shared interest.'"

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