The Countdown Begins

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So much...

"Are you ready?" Ash called out, Celeste could hear the Sunflora smile on his face. "Your turn is coming up soon."

With one last deep breath, she put on the dress and exited the dressing room. With a confident smile, she straightened up and lifted her chin. "I am ready."

With that she strutted, without missing a beat, towards the stage, taking her position on the center. "It's showtime Hestia!" From the Fire Seal her trusted Flareon was released, landing gracefully on the stage. Hestia stood proudly, her fiery fur glistening under the spotlight. Celeste's voice rang out, strong and unwavering, as she commanded Hestia's every move. "Sand Attack!"

With a graceful twirl, Hestia began her performance. She pawed at the ground, her eyes sparkling mischievously. A gust of wind rose around her, lifting the sand into a swirling cyclone. The crowd gasped in awe as the cyclone grew larger, creating an almost ethereal display of sand dancing in the air. Then, with a precision that left the audience in sheer wonder, Hestia's fiery eyes narrowed, and she unleashed a Scary Face right into the eye of the cyclone. In an instant, the sand formed a massive, haunting image that loomed over the stage, its imposing form a testament to Hestia's control and Celeste's direction.

The judges, usually stoic and composed, exchanged impressed glances. The combination of Sand Attack and Scary Face was unexpected and brilliantly executed. Celeste's performance was proving to be not just a spectacle, but a masterclass in coordination between trainer and pokemon.

"Now, use Swift! Combine it with Ember!" Celeste commanded.

Hestia then unleashed a barrage of Swift stars, and their golden brilliance contrasted beautifully with the darkness of the cyclone. The stars danced around the massive sand figure before Hestia took a deep breath. Flames flickered at the back of her throat, and she released a powerful Ember attack. The effect was breathtaking. The Swift stars were now outlined in red, and they emerged from the mouth of the sand image, exploding into radiant red fireworks that painted the sky above. Gasps and cheers filled the colosseum, and the judges watched with a mix of astonishment and approval.

Celeste stood with a poise that radiated confidence, her heart singing with pride for her Flareon and the hard work they had put into perfecting this routine. The crowd's awe was a symphony of appreciation, their eyes glued to the mesmerizing display. As the performance reached its climax, Celeste's voice soared, shouting commands that seemed to ignite the air itself. The final fireworks illuminated the stage, and for a moment, time seemed to stand still. The sand image, the blazing Ember, the sparkling Swift stars - it all came together in a crescendo of beauty and artistry. As Hestia struck a final pose, the crowd erupted into applause that echoed like thunder.

Celeste's breath caught, her heart brimming with gratitude and fulfillment. Looking back on her contest journey, she realized how far she had come. From a nervous beginner to a performer who commanded the stage with grace and authority, Celeste had evolved just as much as her pokemon. The judges' unanimous smiles and nods were a testament to her growth. The awe and admiration in their eyes spoke volumes - this was a performance that would be remembered. And as Celeste and Hestia walked off the stage, side by side, the triumphant applause of the crowd was a melody that echoed in their hearts.

Celeste stood even taller when she returned to the Contest Hall's backstage to a group of coordinators looking back at her with a mixture of admiration and trepidation in their eyes. Celeste had never thought that there would be a time in which she would wish for others to look upon her with fear, but that now proved that she was someone to look out for. It was a badge she wore with pride. It even got Hestia preening proudly with a mischievous smirk.

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