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Cross was nervous, which wasn't unusual though he did a good job hiding it, not this time though he still remembered when he first arrived here after he'd agreed to Nightmare's deal. That had only been two months ago, he was still figuring everything out, he didn't want his boss to find out about the stupid little fuzzy lumps on his back. Everyone here has wings, even Nightmare though he didn't use his wings as much as his tentacles so Cross had never seen them before.

Killer with his black Raven wings with hidden feathers as sharp as blades that could be launched just the same impaling targets from above in the sky just as well as on the ground, Dust's purple, red and blueish Falcon wings that are the fastest in the sky out pacing all of them in a simple dive and Horror's Condor wings large and imposing forcing enemies from the sky and catching large air currents. Where his wings were pathetic they were small and fuzzy with baby downy feathers, he couldn't even fly with them yet. Though they wouldn't be fuzzy next year, next year he'd shed all his downy feathers for flight feathers he just had to hide the fact he wasn't an adult yet.

That's where everything was a little bit difficult he was shedding a lot whenever he would sit on the couch or anywhere else he'd leave downy fuzz on whatever he sat on he'd been careful to clean it up though he couldn't always clean it before someone else found it though no one seemed to question where it came from mostly because they thought it was from the pillows.

Cross was careful to hide his wings from the others keeping the fuzzy things tucked tightly to his back and covered by the thick coat he wore, it was uncomfortable the fragile things ached all day till he finally took the jacket off to go to bed and even then he was careful to wrap them up in a blanket just in case someone came in his room while he slept.

He'd been given his no a room to stay in it wasn't his, his room had been destroyed along with his world and everyone in it all because of him.

Cross sighed as a nock sounded from his door "Dinner Time" Nightmare said from the otherside Cross was surprised that he hadn't sent Killer to fetch him Cross quickly got up and opened the door Nightmare was watching him expectantly his dark cyan eye glowing in the dark hallway "it's time for food I still need to go get Killer" Nightmare replied "I can go get him" Cross wasn't sure why he said that Nightmare hadn't given him permission to talk what if he sends him back they haven't even found ou- "Alright you may go fetch Killer," be quick Horror doesn't like anyone late for dinner or food in general" Nightmare said before melting into the hallway shadows and disappearing.

Cross stood there for a second before quickly turning down the hallway to Killer's room, it was right next to his. It wasn't necessary to offer to get him, he thought it's because you're a people pleaser you need to get a life Cross ignored X-Chara in favor of knocking on Killer's door.

The door swung open to reveal Killer, his odd target shaped soul quivering slightly as he smiled in the annoying way he always did, his pitch black wings ruffled behind him "What Oreo Boy?" Cross scowled at the nickname "Nightmare wants us at the dinner table- "yah yah I'm coming geeze" Killer interrupted like he always did.

Cross watched as Killer turned and started collecting a few things off the floor and shoved them into his cabinet. Cross's attention was pulled to the pile of blankets and pillows on Killer's bed and he frowned at the feeling of wishfulness as he spotted the nest made of pillows and blankets and small shiny trinkets.

He quickly shoved those feelings down he'd been trained by X-Gaster a long time ago to ignore such needs- No wants because that's what it was a want he still remembered the first time he made a nest as sloppy as it was his key word was when his "Father" had found out about his nest he'd torn it apart and then beat him with his belt. Cross shuddered as his wings ached from the fluffy prison of his coat he knew if he looked close enough past all the downy feathers he'd be able to see the scars left from said beating along with all the other beatings. You wouldn't have been beaten if you weren't such a failure X-Chara's voiced stated because that's what he was a failur- "Cross!" a shout brought Cross back to the present.

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