Chapter 9

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Frank continued, his tone measured as he unveiled a side of the sailor that had remained shrouded. "It turns out, the sailor had a daughter and a wife, though he never mentioned them in his writings. His voyages were marked by solitude, yet there were threads of family ties that he kept concealed."

Walter's brow furrowed, the revelation sparking a blend of surprise and contemplation. "A daughter and a wife? That's a dimension we never knew."

Frank nodded. "Indeed. I delved further and found that his wife tragically passed away from pneumonia. The details surrounding his family are scarce, almost as if he purposefully left them out."

"Perhaps his solo voyages held more than just a quest for treasures. Maybe they were a way to navigate his own grief, to seek solace amidst the expanse of the sea." Walter said.

Frank's nod held agreement, a shared understanding passing between them. "It's possible. His journey, though solitary, was also marked by silent ties to a past he chose to keep hidden."

Walter let out a contemplative sigh, his mind tracing the sailor's journey and the stories he had left behind. "We're about to walk the path he once tread. In a way, we're continuing his legacy."

As they sat there, the night's hush around them, both of them shared a moment of reflection. The past and the present intertwined, their journey unfolding on the canvas of time.

As Frank bid him goodnight and departed, the ship's corridors settled into a tranquil hush.

The gentle embrace of sleep was within reach when an unexpected series of clicks echoed through the night.

Curiosity roused Walter, and without a second thought, he made his way back outside.

The scene before him held an air of intrigue—a figure hunched over an old camera, its lens pointed towards the moon.

Walter's voice rang out, a mix of surprise and recognition. "Sasha, what are you doing here?"

Caught in the act, I looked up, my heart racing slightly from the sudden interruption. Walter's presence surprised me, his footsteps echoing my own curiosity. "You scared me," I admitted with a nervous laugh, the camera still in my hands.

Walter's lips curved into a smile, a mix of amusement and camaraderie. "My apologies for that. But what brings you out here, capturing the moon in the middle of the night?"

 But what brings you out here, capturing the moon in the middle of the night?"

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I took a deep breath, my gaze returning to the moon above. "I've always been captivated by the moon. Its mysteries, its phases—it's like a silent storyteller in the night sky."

His eyes followed my gaze, a sense of shared wonder connecting us. "You're right. The moon has seen countless stories unfold beneath its watchful gaze."

I turned to him, a hint of sheepishness in my smile. "I guess I got caught up in its story tonight."

Walter's chuckle was warm and understanding. "Well, you're not alone in that. Many have gazed at the moon and wondered about the tales it holds."

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