I got angry and before I could stop myself I slapped him "Fuck you"

Aurora came out of the pantry holding rice and looked between us "What-"

I walked away and went upstairs to the guest room then shut and locked the door. It wasn't that he accused me of still loving Aurora it's the fact that he made it sound so funny and pathetic.

I looked over hearing the door rattling and put my back against it "Get away from the door or I swear I'll scream and wake Matteo up"

"I didn't mean it like that Asia," he said with that deep sexy tempting voice of his.

I froze up hearing him say my name only because it sounded so good when he did "D-Don't say my name, and get away from the door" I said kicking it

"Asia," he said lowly and calmly "Open the door"

"This is what happens when you end up getting to know people you just want to have sex with" I mumbled "They try and get to know you"

"Asia," Lail said sounding a bit more firm "Open the damn door, if I open it myself you're going to be pissed"

I swung the door open not because he told me to but because he just tried to threaten me "Don't you ever-" I pointed at him but he just moved my hand and shut the door in the process.

He grabbed me by my throat and pushed me up against the wall, his jaw was clenched and he looked somewhat angry and it made me regret what I did, in the kitchen and not letting him in.

Then I fucking remembered he's in the got damn mafia.

Good job Asia.

"Lail I'm-"

"You're what?" He looked at me like he was going to laugh at me and it made me want to crawl into a damn hole "I've known you for less than two damn weeks and I've never had anyone get under my skin like you do"

I looked away from him feeling nervous and oddly turned on, I just knew my fucking face was red. Leave it to me to get turned on by a guy whose in the damn mafia and is currently choking me out.

I need to make better life choices.

"Look at me" I immediately brought my eyes back to his, he looked down at me with those deep hazel eyes and it made my breath hitch "I want to break you and every little spoiled part of you" My pussy clenched hearing him "You fucking temp me and tempt me, watch Aurora and Matteo have sex then go fuck Alonzo." He chuckled and pressed himself closer to me and my eyes nearly rolled in the back of my head. He let my throat go and ran his hand down my body "How quiet can you be?" I didn't say anything but just nodded my head. "Good"

He picked me up and I wrapped my arms around him, he started kissing me. The kiss was rough and I felt it was much different from us kissing in the car where it seemed he had more control. He laid me on the bed and I reached for his shirt pulling it off his body, he didn't have many tattoos but he had a lot of scars. I ran my hands down his body until he pulled them up over my head pinning them to the bed and started to suck and kiss my neck. I forced myself to be quiet but pushed my body against his then wrapped my legs around his waist and rolled my hips against his hard dick. He pulled away and I reached into my bag pulling a condom out and laying it next to me. He stood up and pulled my shirt off of me then my pants then I laid back on the bed looking at him. Waiting for him.

He looked over my body and then started working on his pants, he pulled them down and I had to stop my eyes from widening. His dick was thick long and curved slightly and I just knew it was going to feel amazing. Between Alonzo's dick and his, I could die happily.

Their Asia (Geniuses and Genetics Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now