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"Hi, Mommy!" Enya ran up to Aurora and hugged her. Aurora picked her up and kissed the side of her face.

"Hi, my beautiful baby. You have fun?"

"Yeah, where's Matteo?"

"He's sleeping baby, what's wrong you finish your book?"

She nodded her head "Yup. Both of them"

Aurora put her down "He's sleeping, when he wakes up we can see if he's up to going to the library with us before he leaves"

Enya turned around looking at Lail "You didn't tell me Matteo was leaving"

"That's your momma man"

"Well, what about Alonzo? Is he staying?" Enya looked at Aurora "Auntie got what she wanted. Like always" she smiled "I'm gonna go change my clothes and shower, I smell like outside" She was getting ready to head upstairs but Aurora stopped her

"What do you want for dinner?"

"Anything's fine," she said then ran upstairs.

Aurora looked at us "You guys hungry?"

"Starving, I haven't ate since this morning"

"What?" She looked at me "It's almost 6, that's not-" she looked at Lail "Oh"

"No I didn't fuck him, I fucked the son" I smiled at her and she gasped then looked at Lail.

"You have to go, I need details"

He looked at Aurora crazy "I'm not leaving"

"Uncle Lail, you can't be here when I want girl talk. Plus you want to do it with Asia too, that would be-"

"Bitch he broke into my house this morning" I went over grabbing her hand not even caring that Lail was still here and went to the kitchen "Alonzo was feeding me breakfast and we were having a good time talking then all of a sudden he's standing in my bedroom" I glared at him.

"You have a studio. It's hardly a bedroom" he said dismissively and followed us into the kitchen and sat down next to me.

I flicked him off and he shook his head. Aurora went into the fridge pulling some chicken breast out and some vegetables. "Ignore him, you making stuff chicken breast?" I groaned

"Yeah," she smiled at me "You want two?"

"Please" I looked at Lail "I can't cook to save my life but I can make a little breakfast. It don't be to bad but Enya and Aurora eat it like it's good as hell"

"Nobody makes toast like Asia," Aurora said

I popped my imaginary collar "You hear me? It's the butter and jelly then you gotta fold it like a taco then eat it"

Lail looked at me before he started laughing and Aurora looked at him seriously "Why you laughing?"

I bit my lip looking at Lail who had stopped then looked at me "You lived with Laila and Brandon for how long and you only know how to make toast?"

"Hey! I can make eggs too"

"What the hell do you eat at home?"

"Noodles or I come over here to eat or Aurora will bring me food" I shrugged

"You bring her food?" He looked at her

"Of course I do, I love her. I can't have her starving" She shook her head smiling then went into the pantry.

I was watching Aurora walk away then turned to look at Lail who was already looking at me "You didn't mention you still loved her, is that why you want to just fuck people? Still holding out hope?" He said almost laughing.

Their Asia (Geniuses and Genetics Book 3)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ