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Lail is 7
Laila is 9
Matteo is 10

They will be speaking in Arabic unless Lail says so in the flashback, I just don't feel like translating all of that. Once the flashback is over then it'll be English.

"Mommy please stop!" I cried "I don't want to, please let me go" I tried pulling away from her but she just grabbed my arm harder.

"Call him! He won't answer if he knows it's me" she said getting angry.

I always hated it when she was angry. She would be so mean. She would always yell at me and hit me when I didn't do what she wanted, mostly when Baba wasn't around. He yelled at her the last time she hit me but it only made it worse after he left. I stayed in my room most of the day. She just scared me.

I took the phone from her and called my baba I hoped he answered because my mom wouldn't stop looking at me.

"Lail?" He answered and I looked at my mom, she finally let my arm go.

"Baba, are you coming to eat with us tonight," I asked nervously

"Why do you sound like that? Did your mother yell at you again?" He said sounding angry.

I looked at my mom knowing she couldn't speak English "I'm scared, she keeps hitting and grabbing me baba I don't want to be here."

My mother's eyes got angry and she snatched the phone from me "What did I tell you about that!" She threw the phone at me and it fell to the floor breaking "Stop speaking that damn language!"

I saw one of the guards coming up and he pulled her away from me "I'm going to take him out for a while" He put his hand on my shoulder "Why don't you go relax for a while"

She looked at him then me "Fine" She looked down at me than the guard "Keep him out for a few hours, I don't care. Don't even bring him back" She walked away.


"Come on"

"Sir?" We walked into the house and I heard kids running around. I looked up at him and he patted my back "Don't worry they'll like you"

"Who are they?"


I saw a man walking up to me but he wasn't my father, he must have been my uncle that my dad was telling me about because they looked a lot alike.

"Lail" He smiled at me "How are you?"

"You speak English?" I asked him confused

"Most of us do around here, your dad prefers it."

"I won't get in trouble?"

"Not at all, your dad should be coming down in a second. Do you want to meet your sister and cousin?"

I nodded my head excitedly. My mom always told me my dad had another family and that he didn't love us but Baba said that wasn't true. That he did love me, I knew he did. He always spent time with me and was always nice to me.

A very pretty woman came out of the kitchen wiping her hands on a towel "Laila! Matteo! Come eat!" She was about to walk back into the kitchen but looked at me. "Hi, there" She smiled at me.

"Angela this is Lail"

Angela, my mom said this lady was the reason why Baba couldn't be with us. She said she was a home wrecker, whatever that was it didn't sound nice.

Their Asia (Geniuses and Genetics Book 3)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora