59- They'll pay

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Then she finally reached the dead end of the hallway and rattled the last door in feigned panic. And then she had him right where she wanted him. She took a step back from the door into the middle of the hallway and allowed him to approach.

"Oops. Wrong turn." He taunted, menacingly.

The door behind her opened and Elijah and Alden stepped out into the darkened hallway.

Carver's smug smile didn't waver as he watched them free their weapons, kama's and a spear respectfully. He seemed almost excited for the fight ahead. He was certainly still convinced that he could win this fight. Then behind him the last two stepped out onto the hallway. Negan held a metal pipe tightly in his hands to use as a weapon and Jesus only held his sword in his hands.

Carver chuckled and stared Maggie down, "well, I got to say thank you for this. I was getting tired of all the searching."

Negan was the first to storm at him. He heaved the metal pipe up high to strike it down but before he could even bring it down Carver had grabbed a tight hold of it. He spun Negan around and hit him in the ribs hard enough to draw a yelp from him before pushing him into Elijah, taking them both out for at least a couple of seconds.

Then Maggie and Jesus attacked in unison, one from the front and one from the back. Jesus dodged the elbow flying back for him with ease by weaving to the side. Maggie, however, got a fist to the face. Alden and Elijah attacked in the same instant and came for him with their sharpened blades. They couldn't manage to get a hit in.

But their continued attack meant that there was another opening for Jesus to attack. And from the back there was one weak point for him to hit easily; the crook of his knee. He kicked against it with all his might. Carver's knee was forced to bend as it shot forward. He gritted his teeth to deflect the pain and had to take a knee to stop himself from toppling over.

But he was faster to regain his senses than Jesus had expected. Even down on his knee he managed to deflect Elijah's kama and used the handle to beat against his already hurt leg. He fell down to the ground and fresh blood seeped through the bandage. He fell to the ground and crawled back to regain his senses.

Now Carver was armed with a nes deadly weapon. And Alden just so happened to be the closest to him, meaning he was the next person he'd attack. He raised the kama up high and brought it down in one quick motion Alden could barely follow. He moved his spear up sideways out of instinct and barely managed to block the blade that surely would've ended his life by burying itself in his head. But he didn't have time to react to Carver's next attack. He was just too damn fast and fought out of instinct, like he wasn't even thinking about what he was doing.

Carver quickly pulled the kama back and sliced Alden's arm with it. He would've cut his forearm to the bone near his elbow if it weren't for Maggie moving ahead to attack. The kama still drew blood and he retreated with a hiss to access the cut on his arm as Maggie got punched in her face causing her to stumble back disorientated.

Everything was happening so incredibly fast that none of them could follow what was happening exactly. Carver somehow managed to get the metal pipe off of Negan and beat his ribs with it, knocking the wind out of him. He fell down to the ground and on his way down he caught another fist to the face.

Elijah was still down on the ground. He'd tried to get up but his leg hurt too much to even move. Alden wasn't up for too much of an attack either. The deep cut on his arm was bleeding quite heavily. He put pressure on it with his good arm to stop the bleeding, which only made it hurt worse. It felt like his whole forearm was on fire down to his fingertips. Negan was still on the ground too, trying to catch his breath. Only Maggie and Jesus were left standing at the moment.

Shambles- The Walking Dead [Alden x Maggie] [1/2]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang