10☆Benny Hangout

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     Y/n had been anticipating her upcoming hangout with Benny all day. When the time finally came, she looked in the mirror anxiously, second guessing her outfit choice. Ten thousand thoughts of everything that could possibly go wrong shot through her mind. She was about to change out of her simple sundress when there was a knock on the door. She sighed in resignation and shouted before either of her parents could answer, "I got the door!"
     Y/n ran, slipping and sliding on her socks towards the front door which she slammed into with a BAM. She stood, embarrassed, and brushed herself off. Then, taking a deep breath to soothe her rattled and uneasy nerves, she opened the door, "Hello?" Benny raised his hand in an awkward wave and smiled kindly, "Hey, you look beautiful."
     Y/n had to take in another deep breath, feeling too flustered to reply. Benny seemed to understand so he turned and gestured for her to follow, "You ready?" She nodded, stepping outside to follow him. Before she shut the front door she called to her parents, "I'm going out, be back later!" The door slammed as her dad shouted something unintelligible. Benny held out his hand to Y/n. She looked at it for a moment then took it. He led her around the fence surrounding her house, towards the sandlot.
     "Benny, I thought we were hanging out just the two of us today, why are we going to the sandlot?" He turned to her, devilishly grinning, "You'll see." She was skeptical but knew she should trust him and just followed him. They got closer to the field and he pulled her under the shade of the dugout where a red checkered blanket was spread across the bench and homemade sandwiches sat on paper plates. She giggled, thinking about the one and only Benjamin Franklin Rodriguez speeding around his kitchen, meticulously puzzling together their sandwiches.
     "All of this... for me?" She asked, pleased by his unexpected efforts.
     "Yeah, of course. You're an amazing girl, y'know." Y/n blushed profusely at this. The small talk and flattery continued.

     After Y/n had finished eating, she picked up her paper plate and held it out to Benny, not sure what to do with it. As he took it from her, their fingers brushed and sparks seemed to fly from their fingers as this happened. Their eyes locked and a knowing smile crossed Benny's lips, which Y/n was staring at. Benny began to lean towards her. Though she was hesitant, she let his lips meet hers. They stayed that way for a moment and Y/n felt herself nearly melting. Benny ended it and looked affectionately into her eyes. She took a shuddering breath, "I thought- I thought this was just a hangout. You know, like friends?"
     Benny's previously confidant gaze faltered a bit. "Well, yeah. But I think we both knew it was gonna be more than that." She didn't reply, partly embarrassed but partly knowing he was right. "Benny, I'm sorry but I can't..." She faltered for a moment, not totally sure how to word her thoughts. "I can't have more than friendship with you, we can't be more than friends. At least, not right now."
     Benny looked hurt. "Why not? Because you like Bertram?" She wanted to laugh out loud at the inquiry so instead she shook her head vigorously. He furrowed his eyebrows, "Ham?"
     "What about him?"
     "Do you like him?"
     "No. It's- It's complicated."
     "So, why can't we be 'more than friends'?" His eyes urged her, desperate for an answer. She groaned, thinking about the events that happened last night, and covered her face with her hands, "Bertram kissed me."
     She took her hands from her face and looked at Benny who just stared at her, mouth agape. Eventually he just muttered, "Shit."
     The two sat in silence for an insurmountable amount of time. Benny broke the silence, again questioning Y/n, "I still don't-" Y/n shook her head, "You don't have to get it, it's more than just Bertram. It's just too much right now. I have to go. Thanks for the sandwiches."
     Y/n stood and started away until Benny grabbed her wrist. "Y/n, just... try and figure this shit out, okay?" She looked into his eyes, slightly incredulous of his dramatics. When she saw he wasn't purposely being melodramatic of the rejection, she gave him a thankful smile, slightly tainted with sarcasm, "Thanks, Benny."

Curveball: A Sandlot Fan-Fiction☆حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن