3☆The Dinner (Potato Salad)

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☆Author's Note: Dear reader, these past few chapters have been pretty boring and you're likely wondering where all the other characters are. Well, fear not, wonderful person! This is the last chapter prior to meeting the others so keep on keeping on and thank you for reading and supporting us!

The walk back to the Smalls' house was extremely awkward and quiet. It was occasionally sprinkled with light small talk like, "So, how's school been, Scotty?" He mostly just shrugged and laughed politely, which only added to the awkward nature of the conversation. After at least five painful minutes, they reached the Smalls' home. Scotty opened the door and announced the arrival of Y/n and her parents. "Mom! Mr. and Mrs. Y/l/n are here!" Mrs. Smalls came out from the kitchen with a large smile on her face and greeted them cheerfully. "Oh, Y/m/n! It's so great to see you!"

Mrs. Smalls hurried forward to hug your mother and she gave your father a polite nod. "So, where's Bill?" Your dad asked, eagerly. "I believe that he's in the backyard, cooking up the burgers. The door's just that way," Mrs. Smalls said, pointing Y/n's dad to the door through the kitchen. "I made my famous potato salad. I was going to make a fruit bowl too if you'd like to join me in the kitchen. And Scotty, why don't you show Y/n around the house and I'll call you two out when dinner's ready."

"Got it, Mom!" Scotty then led Y/n around the house, telling her this and that about each of the rooms. Finally, they reached Scotty's room. He sat at his desk and gestured around. "Welcome to my room!" Y/n glanced around, "It's... quaint." Scotty rolled his eyes but chuckled wryly. From there, the banter continued, almost as if they had never been separated in the first place.

After some time, Mrs. Smalls shouted from the kitchen, "Scotty! Y/n! Dinner's ready!" The youngsters left Scotty's room and made their way to the dining room, where the table was set with paper plates and a platter of burgers, fresh off the grill. In addition to this, a heaping bowl of Mrs. Smalls' "famous" potato salad sat menacingly in the middle of the table. The two families sat around the table, serving themselves and talking loudly amongst each other.

After a while of eating and chatting, Y/n's mother looked over at the two and smiled. "It's so wonderful seeing the two of you back together! I missed your sweet relationship." Bill raised an eyebrow at this comment, "Oh, so you two are dating!" Y/n and Scotty looked at each other, flabbergastation painted across their faces. Abruptly they burst out into a fit of laughter, followed by the ecstatic laughter of the adults, all except Bill of course, who was quite perplexed.

Once dinner and the lighthearted conversation was done, Y/n and her parents made their way out. "Thank you so much for having us, Karen, next time dinner's on us," Y/n's mom said, hugging Mrs. Smalls. "That sounds lovely, Y/m/n. Scotty, why don't you show Y/n around town tomorrow?" Scotty furrowed his brow, "Actually, I was gonna play ball-" Once more, Mrs. Smalls cut off Scotty, "Take Y/n with you! I'm sure she'd like to meet some new people this summer before school starts!" Scotty looked anxious then, "I mean yeah but I'm not sure how they'll feel about-"

"Now, now, Scotty, be nice to Y/n. Just let her tag along." Scotty just shrugs then, "Okay, sure. I'll come get you in the morning, Y/n. Jeans and a t-shirt is usually what we wear. And a baseball cap if you want."

"Good night!"

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