Author's note!! (i)

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I'll be constantly adding in Author's Notes from now on just to tell you all things and lore in case you need it!

  So, as you can see, this is a bl fanfiction. If you dislike such topics, please do not read any further. There will be gay and LGBTQ lines as you progress! So don't tell me I haven't warned you! Also, if you are not alright with swear words, please do not read any further. Swear words do not appear on the story often, but there surely are some! So be aware!

  Anyways, this is not my first story, but it surely is my first attempt on fanfiction, so please be nice and respectful in the comments! Also, I am not born with English as a mother language, so if you find grammar and spelling mistakes, please kindly tell me! 

  Lastly, there will be some chapters that are split into parts, such as the previous chapter - The Day After. These split chapters will be shorted than the ones that are whole, so please understand!

  Well then, happy reading! May the wind guide you as you explore the world of Teyvat! Safe travels!

Best wishes from Sumeru,


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