What did musicals did to me?

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Many, many things. But mainly I can't even buy myself a coffee. I. Can. Buy. My. Coffee. Do you know what that means?! I love coffee. Thank you thats all. But when They ask me about my name I am like „Hamilton! My name is Alexander Hamilton!" Thats one thing second one is that I really wanna go to Starbucks and cosplay with them JD and Veronica. Like you know that JD loved slushies next thing iced coffee (not my headcon) but Yeah I need someone to do this with me I know that one person who would understand lol but I am too shy to ask her... the last and the worst thing is that in tgwdlm you have whole song about drinking coffee last time when I was in a coffee shop I freaked out beacouse of it I was like „get me cup of toastem coffee" thank God I didn't say that. I cant even thing about deecaf coffe without hearing voice in my head (Yes thats a referenc) that tells me „deecaf. WHAT?! deecaf. WHAT?!) Also I ate my breakfest in MC Donald's today. I drank cup of toastem coffe but it wasn't deecaf They brought it right up indeed (I have no idea why I told you that) I also ate croissant if someone here still cares. It was delirious! That's all

Stay safe! And have a nice day or night

(I am actually listening to cup of poisoned coffee right now. I love that song. If you haven't watch the guy who didn't like musicals then it's crazy but in a good way. And you should watch it. I liked it!)

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