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I feel 2 tiny hands start shaking my face.

I open my eyes and see Lev's adorable little face.

Sighing, I sit up as I carefully pull Lev into my lap.

"What's up Дорогой (My dear)?" I ask him.

"I hungry mama" he tells me.

"Ok my baby boy, Let's get you something to eat" I tell him and pick him up.

I take a quick peak at sleeping Adelina.

Normally I'd just leave her be but I don't trust any of the people in this house to leave her by herself.

I put Lev down and slowly pick up Adelina.

I take Lev's hand and walk down stairs.

All of my so called 'family' is up and eating breakfast.


I see everyone sending me glares.

I feel the need to curl up in a ball from being judged.

Shut up Sophia!

You shouldn't care about that!

Sighing, I put Adelina loosely on my hip and go to the fridge.

I see the ingredients to make Kasha and just decide to make that.

I pick up Lev and put him on the counter by me.

I really don't trust my biological family.

I'm like that with everyone though so...

My 'family' finally stops staring at me and continues talking.

Something about an older brother's friend coming over.

Hopefully it's nothing like yesterday's incident.

God, I'm so on my toes today.

It feels like if anyone even attempts to put a finger in me, I flinch.

I grab out the milk and some beets.

I grab some flour and add a little vanilla extract.

I mix all the ingredients in and add some sugar.

I put it in the oven for about 10 minutes and wait.

Adelina plays with my necklace while me and Lev play I spy.

The timer beeps and carefully pull out the Kasha.

I put it in the freezer for about 5 minutes to let it cool off.

After 5 minutes is over, I grab 2 small plastic bowls and one big glass one.

Adelina can finally attempt to eat soft human foods so I thought we'll give it a try.

I put a tiny portion in Adelina's bowl and a small portion in Lev's bowl.

I put the the same amount in my own and put the rest of the kasha in the fridge for later.

I pick up Lev from off of the counter and place him on my other hip.

I sit Lev down on one of the chairs and me and Adelina sit next to him.

Lev digs into his food.

I put kasha on my finger and put it into Adelina's mouth.

"MMM!!" She yells.

The family erupts in laughter.

I blush in embarrassment and kiss Adelina's forehead.

I feed her more as she continues making loud noises indicating that she likes it.

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