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I wake up to hearing Adelina scream crying.

Rubbing my eyes, I quickly make my way over to her.

I pick her up and rub her back.

I give her my breast in hopes that she'll calm down.

Spoiler alert, she doesn't.

I stop trying to feed her and change her diaper.

She still is crying so I try and give her her pacifier.

She just spits it back out.

She lives for baths so maybe that'll calm her down.

I take her to the guest bathroom because I don't want her to wake up Dimitri.

I put her into the tub and slowly pour water on her.

She finally stops crying.

After about 15 minutes.

I take her out of the tub and try feeding her again.

She accepts it this time.

Picture this: A 16 year old girl is breast feeding a naked 7 month old girl on a wet cold bathroom floor while her baby daddy is sleeping in his nice warm bed all by himself.

Do I wish Dimitri would help out more: Yes

Am I going to tell him that: No

I love Dimitri more than life, Don't get me wrong, but again, I'm only 16 and I'm working and taking care of 2 kids all by my self.

It's really hard sometimes.

My eyes turn glossy.

Your not happy Sophia.

It's a sacrifice I have to make for my kids.

I will always choose my kids over my happiness.


Adelina finally finished eating and I put her back in her bassinet.

I go to check on Lev.

He's asleep also.

Sighing, I walk down stairs to get some Advil for my terrible headache.

I lay on the couch while Catherine the Great plays.

Not long after, I'm peacefully sleeping.

I'm woken up by Adelina screaming.

I run to her and try to quiet her down.

I hope Lev doesn't wake up from this.

Adelina stops crying once I pick her up.

Sighing, I go to change her diaper.

When I put her on the changing table, she starts crying again.

This time though, not as loud.

I hate when babies start teething.

I quickly change her diaper and pick her up again.

I wrap her in a cozy blanket and go out to the main room again.

I resume Cathrine the Great.

I lay down on the couch with Adelina on my chest.

God, I'm so tired.

I hear little footsteps coming towards me.

Sighing, I pick Lev up and put him to the side of me.

I put the blanket on Lev too and he immediately falls asleep.

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