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Adelina is sleeping.

Lev is sleeping.

Me and Dimitri are in the kitchen arguing.

"Your pregnant?!" He screams at me.

"Maybe. I don't know!" I tell him calmly.

He slaps me.

Tears fall out of my eyes.

He acted the same way with Adelina.

I should've known this would've happened.

"Stop crying! Your such a baby!" He screams at me.

"I don't know why I even slept with you!" He screams in my ear.

"I'm sorry baby" I squeak out.

He storms out.

I collapse on the floor and start sobbing.

I hear tiny footsteps and see Lev looking at me.

He sits on my lap and cuddles into me.

I wrap my arms around him and kiss his forehead.

"I love you so much Mama" He says to me.

"I love you more красивый дракон (Beautiful dragon)" I whisper in his ear.

"Am I going to have another baby sister?" He says.

I chuckle.

"I don't know baby, I just don't know" I tell him.

I pick him up and put him into his bed.

I kiss his forehead and tuck him in.

I close the door and go check on my baby.

She's peacefully sleeping.

I walk out and go into the guest bedroom.

I get under the covers and close my eyes.

I'm woken up by Adelina screaming.

I quickly get up and go down the hall.

I pick her up and rock her in my arms.

It can't be more than 2 hours since I last fed her.

Sighing, I give her my breast.

This girls got an appetite.

About 30 minutes later, she's asleep in my arms.

I put her in her crib.

I kiss her tiny head and walk out.

I look at my watch and it says 5:39.

Nobody should be awake.

Just to be sure I look in Lev's room.

He's sleeping.

I close the door softly and go to mine and Dimitri's room.

I crack open the door and see him sleeping.

I quietly shut the door and go to the bathroom.

The pregnancy tests are under the sink.

I grab one and pull out the stick. I do my business and wait.

I pull out my phone and set a timer.

I close my eyes and think of all the possibilities.

By the time I have baby #3, Adelina should be starting to walk and hopefully stops teething.

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