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Lev's schizophrenia has been acting up a lot lately.

He's up all hours at night now a days and always crying.

I don't know how to help him.

Adelina is teething now more than ever.

She's in pain all the time.

I don't know how to help her.

The only thing that's going okay is my pregnancy.

I found out that I'm 8 weeks (2 months) pregnant.

I'm already showing which is a little concerning, but I'm sure it's fine.

Adelina starts crying.

I pick her up and rock her in my arms.

I fed her like 10 minutes ago and her diaper is clean.

I put my finger in her mouth to chew on it.

Lev runs to me.

"Mama! Papa's here!" He shouts at me.

Confused, I walk to the window.

I see Alessandro talking to Dimitri.

They come in the house.

Lev runs out of the room, forgetting the rules.

"Lev!" I shout at him.

He comes back to the room.

"Sorry Mama" he says sheepishly.

"It's okay Mama's boy" I tell him.

I take Lev's hand and we walk downstairs together.

Dimitri comes inside and when he sees me, He glares.

"Papa!" Lev says running up to Dimitri.

"He's your papa?!" He says practically choking.

"Yup!" He says giving Dimitri a hug.

Dim doesn't return it.

Dimitri walks over to me and slaps me.

Alessandro stares at Dimitri proudly.

God, These people are so messed up.

"What the F Sophia?! You didn't answer any of my texts!" He shouts.

All my brothers appear.

"You don't answer my calls, Why the hell would I answer yours?!" I scream at him.

Adelina starts crying.

"Get your Fing baby to shut up!" He screams.

Lev starts crying.

"I can't with you right now" I say to him.

I take Lev's hand and we go upstairs.

I lock the door and try to calm down the kids.

I give Adelina my breast, Given she just ate, she takes it anyway.

I pull Lev into a hug.

"Papa hit you" he says sobbing.

"Papa is a bad man" I tell him.

He cuddles his head into my neck.

"Mama and Papa are not together anymore" I tell him.

"Dimitri isn't my papa" he tells me.

"No, No he isn't" I reply.

"Let's lay you down, ok?" I tell him.

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