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I wake up, Only to find Dimitri nowhere to be found.

This is pretty normal, He's always in that office of his.

Sighing, I get up to take a shower.

Literally the first step I take, Adelina starts crying.

She woke up like 7 times last night and would refuse to go back to sleep.

With Dimitri being a super heavy sleeper, I wake up to help her every time.

I shouldn't think bad stuff about Dimitri.

He's the love of my life and helps me so much with the kids during the day.

No he doesn't.

Shut up stupid voice.

My name is Nat, and I am not stupid, You are.

I roll my eyes.

I pick up Adelina, and feed her.

Once she's done, I change her diaper.

Now that she's happy and content, I put her inside of her rocker.

I continue on with my morning routine, and take a shower.

                                 ~Time skip~

I hug and kiss Lev goodbye and get into my car.

Adelina is crying in her car seat.

"What's wrong baby girl?" I ask her not expecting an answer, but hoping that she'll calm down to my voice.

She doesn't.

Adelina just starts crying harder.

I don't understand!

I've fed her, I've changed her, I've given her a bath, I've cuddled with her.

God, Having a child isn't easy.

I turn up the classical music.

I've heard somewhere that it soothes babies.

Not long after, I arrive at headquarters.

I take Adelina out of her car seat and try getting her to take her pacifier.

She reluctantly takes it and finally stops crying.

I put her into her little pouch that wraps around my body, then walk inside.

Once I walk inside everyone shrinks.

Even with a baby, I am terrifying.

I smile at that.

Adelina has a nursery here, so I put her in her bassinet in there.

I go to my office

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I go to my office.

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