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The excitement buzzed in the air as Stray Kids prepared for their big concert in Seoul. Everyone was bubbling with joy, eagerly anticipating the energetic performances and the chance to connect with their amazing fans.

Amidst all the hype, a little knot of worry nestled in my stomach. The thought of being surrounded by thousands of people, each with their own thoughts, made me feel jittery. But I kept my unease quiet, not wanting to dampen the spirits of my fellow members.

When the concert finally kicked off, the stage ignited with energy. The lights danced, the music pulsed, and the cheers echoed all around. However, amidst the excitement, I started feeling a bit overwhelmed. The chatter of thoughts inside my head grew louder, like a buzzing swarm of bees.

Then, a ray of relief – I saw Seungmin. With a reassuring smile, he made his way over to me. His presence was like a calming force in the middle of a storm. He stood by my side, and suddenly, everything felt a bit more steady.

His support was like a lifeline. The uneasiness I felt began to melt away as I focused on him and the rhythm of the music. With Seungmin beside me, it was as if the world's noise had dimmed, and I could breathe a little easier.

When it was time for my performance, I took a deep breath and stepped onto the stage. The adrenaline rushed through me, and with each beat of the music, my worries seemed to fade. I could feel Seungmin's presence like a guiding light, encouraging me to shine my brightest.

After the concert, as we mingled with fans and heard their cheers, a sense of accomplishment washed over me. The understanding glances from my fellow members and the warm smile from Seungmin were like medals of courage. Despite my fears, I had faced the challenge head-on and performed with all my heart.

Amidst the post-concert celebration, it hit me – the strength of our bond was unbreakable. With friends who stood by me and a companion like Seungmin who understood me without words, I knew I could conquer anything. The concert might have been a whirlwind of emotions, but it also became a reminder of the power of unity and the magic of music.

Straykids 9th Members || Female Version||Where stories live. Discover now