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Being a trainee at JYP Entertainment wasn't easy for me. I did really well in our monthly tests, and the other trainees didn't like it. They were jealous and tried to play mean tricks on me.

Once, they messed up my practice session, thinking it would mess me up. Another time, they made up lies about me to make me look bad. But I didn't fall for their tricks. My  power, hearing their thoughts, helped me see through their plans.

I could tell when they were lying or trying to be sneaky. This made me even more determined to do my best.

Then, Bang Chan, the leader of Stray Kids, chose me to be part of the group. I could hear his thoughts too. He had big dreams for us, to make great music and bring happiness to people.

As I stood on stage with Stray Kids, I could feel the other trainees' frustration. They didn't understand why I was picked. But I used their jealousy to motivate me.

My power protected me from their mean tricks, and now I was part of Stray Kids, ready to face any challenge together.

We trained hard, faced obstacles together, and shared our dreams. And you know what? None of them treated me like a competitor. We were a team, united by our passion for music.

Debut day arrived, and as we stood on that stage, I could feel the bond between us. My ability to read minds was not a burden when I am with my members; it was a gift that helped me understand my bandmates better, to connect with them on a deeper level.

Straykids 9th Members || Female Version||Where stories live. Discover now