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Finally, the day I had been dreaming of arrived. I debuted with Stray Kids, and it was like a dream come true. I couldn't believe I was part of this incredible group, making music and performing for fans.

I could hear the thoughts of my fellow members, and they were all so cheerful about our new journey.

Felix was excited about performing on big stages. Changbin was determined to write amazing lyrics. Hyunjin had dreams of connecting with fans all over the world. Each member had their unique goals and aspirations, and it was inspiring to hear their thoughts.

Every member had a unique way of thinking, a special world inside their minds. It was fascinating to see how their thoughts shaped their personalities and talents. Our dorm was a place where these different worlds came together, forming a colorful tapestry of friendship and creativity.

As I moved into the dorm with the rest of the members, I was excited but a little nervous. I wondered who my roommate would be. And guess what? It turned out to be Seungmin, one of the nicest guys in the group.

We hit it off right away. Seungmin was friendly and funny, and he made me feel right at home. We spent hours talking and laughing, getting to know each other.

But there was something different about Seungmin that I couldn't quite understand. Unlike everyone else, I couldn't hear his thoughts. It was like his mind was a secret treasure chest that I couldn't unlock.

He was different. He didn't seem to think like the others. Instead, he just surprised us with random facts. For example, he'd suddenly say, "Did you know honey never goes bad? It's like magic!"

I often wondered what was going on in his head. But instead of thinking a lot, he just shared these facts. It was like he had a superpower of his own, a superpower of random knowledge.

I couldn't help but find it interesting. So, I secretly thought to myself, "Seungmin doesn't think; he split facts." It was a fun mystery in our everyday life.

Straykids 9th Members || Female Version||Where stories live. Discover now