Chapter 04: The Fall of Trost

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Holy hell how did this get 100 reads already? I'm shocked, honored, and grateful for the people who actually spend their time reading this fanfiction. That being said though, you guys are in for a big one. This is the first of a two-part entry, so enjoy and feel free to tell me what you thought about this chapter.

Previously in Attack on Titan
(Y/n) finds himself on the bad side of Annie Leonhardt, meanwhile Eren also established a mutual dislike of Jean. However, (Y/n)s situation intensifies when he received a bizzare memory from an unknown origin. Only to receive a grim reminder of his current duties when the Colossal Titan reappears to shatter humanities only line of defense once more. Forcing (Y/n) to use the Armored Titan to buy time for the evacuation, while Eren faces off against the Colossal Titan.


Eren started the battle by running across the top of the wall as the Colossal Titan reeled back to prepare for a strike. The swipe he took was appropriately slow and powerful for the 200 ft giant, allowing Eren to dodge it with his ODM gear but the swipe wasn't aimed at him. Instead, it was aimed at the Upgraded Canons to the group was just working on. Eren realized what this meant as he swung over to the Colossal's left.

"Son of a bitch! It took out the cannons! The gate was no accident then.. He planned it. He has intelligence!! "

Slowly the Colossal looked over to Eren before his hand came bursting through the large puff of steam. Luckily Eren shot a hook into his arm using his gear and swung under and over its arm, landing on  the bicep.

"All the more reason not to waste this opportunity. Without him, the other Titans have nothing!! I've got to take him down!"

Eren then ran up the Colossals arm and zipped behind him before anchoring to the Colossals weak spot, the nape of the neck. However, when he made contact he was suddenly repelled by another cloud of superheated steam. This repelled Eren but he remained anchored to the Colossal, as he recovered he squashed one of his triggers and the anchor pulls him in enough as to where he'd be able to kill the Colossal but ended up slashing at nothing... The Titan had just vanished.. Nothing, no skeleton. Just thin air and two holes in the ground where the Titan once stood. Suddenly Thomas calls down from on top of the wall as Eren clings to its side.

"Eren, where'd he go!? Did he escape or did you take him out!?"

"He's gone. Exactly like 5 years ago! He's here one moment then gone the next!! Just like that! "

As Eren swung back up to the top with both Thomas and Connie

"I'm sorry.. I"

"Don't apologize. Look at us, we were too scared to move. "

"Hey! Wallow on your own time! In case you haven't noticed there's a breach. We have to act now! One of em's already pouring in. "

Of course, a single Titan had already walked through the breach and looked upon the crowds of people fleeing. The trio of cadets began to mobilize to stop it however they were stopped by the appearance of a massive yellow orb that sparked with electricity. Suddenly the 15-meter titan is sent flying by a hit that took off half its head, blasting it back through the hole in the wall as the culprit walks forward.

The Guardian of Paradis (Attack on Titan x Male Reader) Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant