Chapter 08: Reclamation of Trost (Part 02)

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Authors Note
Well. Looks like the great series is finally over. I'll admit I haven't been looking forward to it, gonna watch the ending after this chapter comes out. For anyone who's enjoying this story don't worry I'm not gonna stop writing this story. I'm gonna keep going until we reach the end of the series and make a few interesting changes along the way. I'm not gonna lie I'm gonna be skipping forwards through this one a fair bit but other than that Enjoy the chapter.

Previously on Attack on Titan

Eren finds himself in the under threat from his own regiment and is forced to invoke his power to transform. Saving Mikasa and Armin but striking fear into his fellow soldiers. Armin and Eren make an attempt to convince the Garrison of Eren's humanity. Armins determination and heroic speech proves unusable to get through to the Captain, his fear having completely consumed him. Luckily (Y/n) was able to buy enough time with his fellow cadets and get the attention of Commander Dot Pixis. Pixis calls off the attack and sees promise in Armin's plan to use Erens power to retake Trost district.

"... I'll do it. I'll do it!! I don't know if I can seal that hole but.. I'LL DO IT."

"Well spoken.. You have the heart of a lion. "

The commander breaks away from the trio and makes his way to the edge of the wall in closer view of the elite squads below.

"Staff officers hup!! We have a plan to flesh out!"

"Uh- wait we- we can't actually be moving forward with this as our linchpin strategy. It was just something I tossed out there."

"I was thinking the same thing. Cept he seems like a guy who knows what he's doing. Has it all under control. "

"You think so? "

"I do. Either way we've got a lot of problems we need to address long before we can get your plan off the ground and my gut tells me the commanders keenly aware of it. "

"Which is?"

"Titans aren't our only foe. "

"Look alive soldiers. The fate of mankind rests on your shoulders. "

(A Fan-Fiction )

(Based on/ Inspired by )

•Attack on Titan by Hajime Isayama

•A Slap on Titan by Tomandre
May I present


•A Slap on Titan by Tomandre-May I present •-

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