Chapter 03: Graduation Day

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Previously on Attack Titan

(Y/n) has acclimated to life within the walls while searching for knowledge. He found a friend group in q group of MMA lovers who help keep him grounded and happy while he works to uncover the secrets of The Founding Titan and why the people within are so unaware of the world outside their walls.

He also makes friends with his fellow military cadets namely Eren Jeager and Armin Alert as well Krista Lenz and Sasha Braus. The cadets help both him and Eren to master the aptitude required to use the ODM gear used by all soldiers. Now they match on to the approaching graduation date.

The clouds were crying, leaves were rustling, and troops were stomping through the mud. The line of cadets were trudging through the forest with cloaks and 50 pounds of weight on their backs. The cadets all ran at a steady rate as their bodies became exhausted from the stress all while Keith Shadis did what he did best. Fucking screamed at people.

"Pick up the pace you leg-heeled laggards!"

As he rode next to the cadets on his horse, Shadis looked to the side and noted one particular cadet lagging behind. The blonde boy named Armin

"Your boots waterlogged Alert!? Let's see some hustle! Gear too heavy for you son? Hell drop it and leave it in the mud, the Titan'll have an easier time digesting you without all the extra baggage ."

Shadis speeds up again, leaving Armin in last place silently cursing himself for not being able to keep up. However, suddenly his gear is snatched from his back as a familiar face looks down at him.

"I have this. Just focus on staying up. "

"Thanks but won't they demerit you for this?"

" That's only if they found out I'm helping you. I'll hand you your gear back towards the end of the march. Make the remaining distance and we're even."

As they continue, Shadis looks back at the duo as he describes each cadet to himself.

"(Y/n) (L/n), excellent planner, and methodical in all his actions. His comrades respect him for his perseverance."

The young man ran up in between the student and instructor to cover up Armin while they ran. He easily carried the additional weight however Armin remained defiant.

"I'm no one's burden, you hear me?"

Armin then ran up to (Y/n) and yanked his gear free, before pushing on harder than ever. Before he knew it he was at the front of the line and beating out his exhaustion.

"Armin Arlert, built like a daft dill but academically brilliant."

After this batch was done with their work, the Instructor moved to the next group and the next exercise. The group is unleashed into a nearby forest where giant wooden cutouts rise, with a simple air bag filling out the neck area of the humanoid cutout. Almost immediately two of the cadets were on it, swiftly and effortlessly cutting through the neck area, followed by Jean who makes a small slash in the neck to finish it off.

"Annie Leonhardt, gifted with a sword but does not exactly play well with others."

"Bertholdt Hoover, Heaps of native potential but mild-mannered."

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