My head was pounding and I was starting to feel faint from all of this. "I don't feel so good... I have no idea what's going on!" I said in a weak voice. I was looking at my sensei Kashi... but it wasn't her at the same time! It was some man's version.

The lady Hokage slammed her hands on the table, "Naruto now is not the-". She was cut short by the side door opening, everyone's head including mine snapped toward it, it was me? But not?

A face to my own likeness, body and even outfit stood only feet away. While there were differences due to him being a boy... It was close to the same.

"Sorry I'm late, old lady..." He gasped loudly then he locked eyes with me"..who is that?" He asked in disbelief, looking a bit scared.

Just as everyone turned to look at me the panicking and stress finally made something snap in my head. Everything went dark. I felt my small body thud against the floor before everything went silent.

"Naruto, are you sure it's not you?! Like it's not a clone?!" I heard the old ladies voice ask, mostly annoyed but slightly concerned.

"I said no already!" Naruto yelled in frustration. Seems he had been asked again, and again. " I'm just as shocked as you !"

I groaned sitting up slightly, I had heard a guy's voice. I opened my eyes to everyone around me. I freaked out and scooted away. "ah!" Way to close! I only stopped when my back was against a solid wall.

My sudden noise brought all the attention back to me. The busty blonde gripped me up fast with my jacket. I kicked my feet trying to gain balance only to realize my feet no longer touched the floor. Oh man!

"Who are you! Drop the jutsu!" She growled into my face. I could smell the saki on her breath, Lord's favorite as well... I wasn't going to waste anymore time. I could tell she wasn't going to hold back. I didn't want to end up as a pancake.

I Held my hands up, "I'm Naruko! And this is what I look like! I'm just as confused as you! Everyone is switched!" I tried to explain with a broken voice. My thoughts are rushing.

She blinked, "Naruko? That sounds like..." She said it turned toward the boy, my twin. She looked like she didn't believe it. I could see her running through thoughts in her head. She was trying to see if it was at all possible.

I myself in the moment took the time to look over at my identical twin... It was uncanny actually. If it wasn't for my long blonde pigtails and more slender feminine body... Like a copy... even our faces looked so alike, My eyes seemed to be more almond shaped and lips a little more full.

As if to give me a chance she rested my feet back on the ground, but her hand did not leave my throat. "switch? Explain it all." She demanded glaring down at me.

I could feel the sweat from the whole ordeal dripping down my back, I honestly was terrified. Nothing like this had ever happened to me... But I knew Lord Hokage and if she is anything like him I knew my only option was to just listen and answer.

In a low scared voice I began. "My name is Naruko Uzumaki, I'm from the village hidden in the leaves. Last thing I remember was going to the training field to meet up with Saku. I swear this guy attacked me out of the blue. I think he sent me to this opposite world or something! Everyone's genders are switched!" I spoke trying to stay calm, but my voice started to get raspy as tears poured down my face. Was I going to be trapped here? What about my life? Was I dead?

She tried to ignore my tears and broken mental state." Naruko, hard to believe and who exactly is your sensei? Your team?" She pressed on. She was a leader, she needed answers. I was lucky she wasn't handing me over for interrogations.

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