His eyes become deep bloody ruby eyes, Arisu worried if Boogie hurting himself and she wants controlling himself. The girl just reassured the young man. Boogie back to normal a few moments later, he can't remember what happened to him previously.

"Don't push yourself, just take an easy," Arisu said

"I know, I know it's very hard to me. But I really need you and others by myside," Boogie said.

"We always be with you," Zyean said.


Boogie lost appetite, he eats little. Makes Arisu and others worried. The young man looked pale. She thinks the young man need blood and gives the blood pocket to him. Other hands, Hinako still can do activity even if she got serious wounds. Marusou worries about her. She askes the girl for take a rest. Hinako gave a sad smile. Marusou and Cazqui still care about her and others.

"Boogie got feverish," Arisu said.

"Eh?" Ricko shocked.

"I touched his forehead and palm hands. They are very hot. I will take water for compressing him," Arisu said.

Arisu goes to take warm water and small towel for compress. Hitomi looks making new porridge for Hizaki and Boogie. Making two large cooking pots. Because Boogie little eating about rice, so Hitomi changed rice to porridge.

A few moments later, Arisu back with water and compressing her boyfriend's forehead. Boogie is sleeping calmly. She compressed the forehead quietly trying not waking him up. It looks calming the young vampire with her soft touches. He little moved his body and continues his sleep. Like as a lazy cat. And suddenly he opens his eyes.

"Sorry," he said weakly.

"Stop blame yourself," Arisu said.

Boogie gulped, swallowed his saliva, cleans hist throat. Arisu still compressing his forehead. Boogie  gave weak smile. In his heart, he is very lucky loves Arisu a whole in his life. He thinks for protect his love forever.

"Porridge?" Boogie asked

"Yes. Hitomi made porridge," Arisu answered.

"I can smell the aroma," Boogie said

Arisu smiled and she borrows her boyfriend her large energy to the bathroom. Full bathub with warm water and hanging towel

"Actually I am curious about your mark can changing color," Arisu said

"Me too, I am looking for the source or the meaning of it," Boogie said.


Late afternoon, Arisu is bathing her boyfriend like a baby. Boogie can't protest it and really obey to the girl. His mouth like unwisely locked, he can't spell the words. Arisu worries when Boogie grunted of the pain. The mark full of scratches and often color changing.

"I believe that you can control your powers, my dear," Arisu said.

"Hmm, it's good that you never doubt to me," Boogie said,

Arisu chuckles she continuing washing her boyfriend's body. His skin like milky white. Just not longer or in a few moments, Arisu standing up his body and drying his naked body with the clean towel. And asking him changing the clothes. Arisu closes her eyes during her boyfriend changing clothes.

"Huh? What's wrong? Boogie asked

"You're embarrassing me with your six packs abs," Arisu said

Boogie burst of laughs. Pink blush on Arisu's cheeks. After that Arisu brushes his long hair with her hairbrush.

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