Chapter 47

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Y/n's POV

Machi disappeared from sight, making you slightly panic. You were aware of the Phantom Troupe's power and speed, and it worried you. Not because you would get hurt, but they could harm Tanjiro and your friends.

Machi appeared behind Tanjiro, kicking him to the floor, surprising him. Nezuko fell out of her box from the impact. Before you could even ask if he was okay,  Shalnark began to send multiple hits towards you, but you dodged them with ease.

You glanced at your demon friends,
" Douma, you focus on Machi! The pink one. Kokushibo, you focus on Shalnark and Rui, you help with the other one! Nezuko, you come with me!"

They all nodded in understanding, wanting to protect you greatly. You and Nezuko jumped and landed on the roof, facing Illumi. From his aura, you knew his blood was boiling with rage, even if his face didn't show it.

Your eyes widened when he turned his attention to Tanjiro. He was after him because he saw your relationship between one and other. This made worry spiral within you like a tornado. The last thing you wanted was him to get hurt, or worse.

You glared at him with hatred,
" You're not laying a finger on him! Not whilst I'm alive,"

He just hummed in response, placing his finger on his chin, almost as if he was thinking,
" I don't think this a debate. He's ruining your life, manipulating you to make you weaker. Don't you see that?"

Your heart broke from how your brother was describing Tanjiro, knowing he was nothing like that to you or anyone. It made you even more angry. You shook your head,
" No, he's not! He's the most kindest person I've ever met, he's not ruining my life, you are!"

He sighed before his needles appeared between his fingers.  You told Nezuko to be careful and not get hit by them. Running towards you, he sent multiple blows faster than meets the eye. You were able to dodge some, but not all of them. He was faster than Shalnark.

You coughed up some blood from the large hit to the stomach, your stomach practically begging for him to stop. You sent a punch to his face, causing him to move a few metres back, his nose bleeding like a waterfall.

When he landed, Nezuko appeared and kicked him multiple times in the stomach using her demon strength. You swear you could hear a few ribs crap from the kicks.

You stated,
" Just leave and never come back. Leave me alone!"

Suddenly, a sharp pain was felt in your neck, causing you to choke for breath as you fell off the roof. Nezuko hummed violently in worry and went to see if you are okay,

They looked up to see Muzan standing there with an empty syringe in hand, smirking down at them with pure malice. Everyone other than the troupe was shocked, not expecting to see the most superior of demons to be here.

The last thing you saw was his grin before passing out completely.


3rd person POV

Tanjiro pulled Y/n close to him whilst glaring at the man who slaughtered his family. He had a massive urge to protect his loved one. He didn't want to lose somebody else in his life he cherishes. In honesty, he was terrified.

He asked,
" What did you do to her?!"

Muzan sighed heavily, snapping his fingers in an instant. The sound of a Biwa was heard as Y/n disappeared from sight, almost as if she teleported.

" She's just passed out; but if you don't mind, I'd like her to become one of my upper moons since she took most of mine,"

Nezuko growled at him in anger, having flashbacks of her family's massacre. Before any of them could fight, the sound of a Biwa was heard, and he was gone.

Tanjiro yelled in frustration as tears flowed down his cheeks. It was to easy for him to have taken her. He felt worthless, he could even protect her and it's led to this moment. He watched as the troupe and her brother ran off into the abyss of the night, their mission already completed.

He just hoped that he wouldn't harm you in any way.

The runaway ( Tanjiro x fem reader )Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz