Chapter 3

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On the way, Tanjiro made a basket out of bamboo for Nezuko to travel in due to her not being able to walk in sunlight.

You also found out the necklace you found, that you predicted Muzan gave you, allowed you to walk into the sun. Your skin burned a bit every now and then, but it wasn't severe.

Tanjiro never brought up the fact that you were a demon, but you knew he didn't mind. On the nights of the travelling, Nezuko would come out of the basket and hold your hand.

She loved holding hands with you, it made her happy and she loved affection. You would let her hug you from time to time and sometimes you would give her piggy backs after she shrinks to toddler size.

You were arriving at the entrance of Sagiri mountain as Nezuko climbed out of the basket and walked towards you. She held your hand in hers as she grew back to her usual height.

You smiled before turning your attention back to the mountain. Since it was night time, the mist was everywhere, making the place look eerie and abandoned. The trees were tall and slim, hovering over you like shadows in the night.

The only bright thing was the moonlight and stars, they twinkled like diamonds and pearls, making the night sky look beautiful.

You both walked through the woods, your feet snapping twigs by accident. The night air was cold, every breath pierced your lungs with air as cold as ice.

You stopped in your tracks as you both stared at a house that seemed off, the scent of blood filled both of your senses. You ran towards the house before opening the door, to see a sight that made your anger rise within you.

A demon was feasting on corpses of a family, blood painted the walls in a sinister manner. You slowly stood in front of Nezuko and Tanjiro protectively, not wanting them to get hurt.

The demon glared at you,
" Nobody steps into my territory, get your own meal!"

You held Nezuko's hand tightly, trying to calm her down from all the blood. You winced as her nails dug into yours, blood starting to flow. You knew she didn't mean it but she didn't know she was doing it.

The demon launched at Tanjiro, pinning him to the ground outside. You ran over to the demon as your hands glowed red, sending him flying. This shocked Tanjiro.

He glared at you, but then realised who you were. Sudden chills went throughout his entire body as he gulped nervously, he was so dead.

Tanjiro sensed his fear as he looked at you, confused placed on his features. He was scared of you? But why?

The demon exclaimed, his voice shaky from fear,
" You're here! What are you doing with a human?! You're supposed to be with Master!"

You clenched your fists from anger, the burning anger inside of you building up. You knew you had to tell Tanjiro soon enough, you were just scared he won't be your friend anymore.

You glared at him,
" You have no right to demand orders towards me! I do what I want, got it? So shut your mouth! "

You sent another blast at him, his head being ripped off in the process. Tanjiro and Nezuko got ready to fight as his head ran towards Tanjiro and his body towards Nezuko.

The demon tried his best to avoid you, if he hurt you or even gave you a scratch, his master would kill him on the spot.

As Tanjiro fought with his head, he soon manage to pin the head on the tree with an axe. The body kicked Nezuko, her body being launched into the woods.

You began to run after her and fight the demon's body, him trying his best to avoid you. You sent another blast at him as he fell over the cliff side and died at the bottom due to the impact.

You sighed in relief before noticing your wounds were slowly beginning to heal, but slower than normal. Nezuko noticed your wounds before realising she did it when you held her hand.

She hummed in a low tone, a guilty and sad expression on her face. You noticed it and pulled the girl into a hug as she hugged back.

You giggled,
" It's alright Nezuko, I knew you didn't mean it,"

She hummed in response as you pulled her away. She slipped her hand into yours as you walked back to Tanjiro, hand in hand.

You arrived to see Tanjiro holding a rock and facing the head, who was surprisingly still alive. There was a man stood behind him with a red mask on. He wore a light blue kimono with clouds on. That must be Urokodaki.

You noticed the sun was coming up as you led Nezuko into the hut and placed her in her basket. She didn't want to go in but she knew she had to in order to survive.

You ruffled her hair before placing the lid on top and placed her on your back. Tanjiro ran in and sighed in relief when he knew you were both safe.

On the way to Urokodaki's cabin, the walk between you and Tanjiro was silent and awkward. You knew he had a million questions running through his head like a storm.

You exclaimed,
" I'm sorry for not telling you the whole truth, I was scared that you wouldn't be my friend anymore once you knew the truth,"

Tanjiro looked at you as a smile appeared on his face, his aura gave of a kind one, but also a strong one that yet has to be found,
" I understand! You can tell me when you want to, I don't want to push you,"

You chuckled at his kind and honest behaviour before sighing,
" The truth is, I was used as a weapon to Muzan Kibutsuji, my power was feared by him and the upper moons. He isolated me in his base and kept me there for years,"

Tanjiro looked at you with a sympathetic expression as you continued,
" I gave up and managed to escape thanks to a friend, upper moon 1. Since then I've been on the run,"

The runaway ( Tanjiro x fem reader )Where stories live. Discover now