Reckoning at Last

Start from the beginning

Our anger and determination burned like hot coals, fueling our thirst for revenge. The night was dark and cold, mirroring the blackness in our hearts as we plotted our vengeance against the man who had destroyed us.

Big Sam's burly arms drop from my shoulders as he steps back, his face set with determination. "I won't let that bastard take any more from us," he growls. Our childhood was stolen by the monster inside that building, but we won't let him rob us of our freedom too."

I thrust my hand forward, palm flat and fingers splayed. "Brothers for life," I say.

Slasher slaps his palm over mine, his rough calloused hand engulfing my smaller one. "If one dies," he says with a nod.

He opens his switchblade, the metal gleaming in the dim light of the alleyway.

Big Sam steps forward, joining our hands together. "Then, we all die," he declares.

We stand in a tight circle, our arms linked and our fists clenched. "If one goes down, we all go down," we chant in unison, reaffirming our childhood promise to always have each other's backs.

Big Sam shuffles towards Slasher's 'Silverado', his heavy footsteps crunching on the gravel driveway. He swiftly opens the backseat door and retrieves his trusty hatchet, its sharp blade glinting in the dim light of the moon. "Slasher and I have been keeping watch on his cottage before you arrived," he explains, his voice low and urgent. "We decided it's best to enter through the back, as it's the darkest and least guarded part of the cottage."

I nod, my heart racing with fear and anticipation. I couldn't risk my brother's life by being reckless.

Slasher stands tall beside me, his broad shoulders squared and a fierce determination in his eyes.

Despite the danger ahead, he is ready and willing to walk into it with me, even if it means sacrificing his own life. "I understand how much you've been looking forward to this day, Tony," he says, using my given name for added seriousness. "But I can't make any promises. If all hell breaks loose in there, I'll be slicing and dicing anyone who gets in our way." His last words hang heavily in the air, a reminder of the danger that awaits us inside the cottage.

My voice comes out in a deadly, guttural growl as anger courses through my entire body. The rage is all-consuming, fueled by memories of the one Bastard who scarred my body and continues to torment me in every waking moment.

I don't give a damn who Slasher chooses to slice open, as long as I have the satisfaction of taking down the man responsible for my pain. He will pay for what he did to me and my brothers. His blood will stain my hands and bring me a sense of twisted justice that I crave more than anything else in this godforsaken world.

My entire being is consumed with a burning desire for revenge, for the one person who has filled my heart with overwhelming hate. I can no longer find peace until they are gone.

With weapons in hand, we stride towards the back of the cottage. My mind becomes a void, all thoughts and emotions swallowed by a single purpose.

All I can envision is a sea of red, blood spilling from the body of my target. The metallic scent fills my nostrils and coats my tongue as if I were actually tasting it. It is a powerful presence that cannot be ignored or forgotten.

Slasher scanned the perimeter of the cottage, noting the lack of guards or any other form of protection. "What happened to all of his defenses?" he asked, perplexed.

Slasher's words cut like a knife through my chest, resurrecting memories that I've tried so hard to bury. Every single day since then has been etched into my mind with a sadistic precision.

Demon (Brotherhood Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now