Reckoning at Last

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The smooth, automated voice of my GPS system echoes through the sleek interior of my Maserati Gran Turismo. Its calculated tone directs me to my destination as I navigate the winding roads, the purr of the engine adding a satisfying undertone to the journey. The car's luxurious leather seats hug me in comfort as I make the final turn onto the street and spot my destination on the right.

I slam on the brakes, my foot pressing down on the pedal with uncontrolled fury. The car lurches forward, then swerves to the right, sending me into an uncontrolled spin. My heart pounds in my chest as I try to bring the car under control, my fingers gripping the wheel with white-knuckled intensity. And then, just as suddenly as it began, it ends. The car comes to a complete stop.

Without pausing to consider the repercussions, I reach into the back seat and grasp my handgun with a tight grip. My usual methodical planning for murder is thrown out the window in this moment of chaos, all because of Hank. My brain is a jumbled mess, unable to function as it normally would under such circumstances. It's as if my thoughts are tangled like a web, each thread leading to an uncertain outcome. Yet, I press on, fueled by reckless emotions and a blind desire for revenge.

All the knowledge and skills my brothers and I had acquired seemed to vanish in an instant as Big Sam delivered the news of his successful search for the pervert. A chill ran down my spine as I pictured just how dangerous this individual must be. The weight of responsibility settled heavily on my shoulders, knowing that it was now up to us to bring him to justice.

With a rush of adrenaline, I fling open the door of my sleek Maserati, feeling empowered and invincible. My posture improves as I stand tall, my chin lifted confidently and my shoulders squared. I am ready to face any challenge that comes my way.

Big Sam's gravelly voice echoed through the dense forest as he put a hand on my shoulder, his rough fingers digging into my skin. "Slow down, Demon," he chuckled, "You don't want to go barging into the old man's cottage like that." He pointed towards a small, rundown cabin nestled between the trees. I took a deep breath and nodded in agreement.

Slasher squinted at the dilapidated cottage, his eyes narrowing in anger. "Looks like he's got company," he spat out as he tried to peer through the filthy windows. "Only one other person in there with him, from what I can make out."

Big Sam's eyes flicked toward the window, and his hand instinctively went to the holster at his hip. "Me and Slasher caught a glimpse of someone through that window," he said, nodding towards the right side of the cottage. "Looks like a woman."

My voice was steady and cold as I spoke, not caring who might overhear. "Then we'll take care of her too," I said, my eyes locked on his without a trace of emotion.

A blaze of fury ignited within me, refusing to offer even a shred of mercy towards him. My heart remained hardened, unyielding to any pleas or excuses from Hank's entourage. These were the same individuals who had shown us no mercy in our time of need, and now they expected it from us? I would not fall for their tricks.

My resolve was as solid as steel, unbreakable in the face of their desperation. The cowardice of those around us was palpable as not a single person lifted a finger to help. Tonight, however, he will receive no mercy from anyone.

My brothers and I were three innocent boys, abandoned by our drug-addicted mothers who were controlled by their violent pimps and rapists. We were just children caught in the crossfire of a cruel world.

Hank had callously taken advantage of us, using us as mere pawns to save his own accounts from bankruptcy. But tonight, we will seek retribution and drain his life from him, just as he had drained our very essence until nothing of our former selves remained.

Demon (Brotherhood Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now