epilogue 1

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Admittedly, Lucas and I haven't placed our babies down since arriving back to my hospital room.

Presently, I cuddle one baby while my husband cuddles the other. Lucas has one arm around our daughter, and the other arm, securely wrapped around me, and our daughter, keeping us close.

"I'd like to name her, Seleisa, after my mother," I announce, staring down at my baby girl, holding her close.

Lucas nods but remains quiet.

Gently, I angle my body, place my hand on our baby girl, "I'd like to name her Selene."

Swiftly, Lucas whips his head toward me, "You don't have to do that, Emma."

"I know I don't." I brush my finger lightly over Selene's eyebrow and smile as her forehead crinkles. "If my kids were hungry, needed something, or had dreams bigger than my bank account could afford, I'd steal from you Carly to make sure my babies didn't go without."

"You wouldn't have to bitch, I'd give you anything you needed for these beautiful babies," Carly says skipping over to my bed. "Which one do I hold first?"

"You can hold, Seleisa." I offer, holding my baby outward for her to take.

"Congratulations," Shawn whispers, walking in the room holding strings to floating balloons.

Carly bends down, hugs me with one arm, "I'm pregnant. Fix your face; I haven't told Shawn yet."

Immediately, I close my mouth and force a smile on my face, "I love you too, Carly." I say out loud, pretending my best friend didn't just drop a bombshell.

"Here Uncle Shawn," Lucas states, handing him, Selene.

As soon as Shawn takes our baby girl, Lucas turns to his side, whispers quietly in my ear. "Her name will be a constant reminder."

"Regardless of what she's done, Lucas, she's still your mother, and I'll never treat the love you carry for her as a crime." I blamed Lucas's parents for the longest time, but also I held resentment toward mine.

Instead of staying here, and fighting, my parents had overdosed, and taken the easy way out.

All my life, they had worried about money.

Everything had to be perfect.

What they didn't realize is, money doesn't make everything perfect.

I glance at my babies, my brother in law, and best friend, before bringing my eyes back to Lucas. If we were to lose it all tomorrow, I'd stay, and I'd fight.

I wouldn't give up easily.

I'd sleep in a cardboard box if I had too, but I'd never leave my children and leave them to fend for themselves.

Lucas parents did commit a crime. Most likely, if they hadn't left Canada, and moved to the states, they would've gotten caught. Maybe if my parent's didn't overdose, and decided to fight, they could've fought harder to locate their whereabouts.

However, holding on to the past was stopping me from moving forward with the only boy I ever loved. Therefore, I had no choice to move forward, to put one foot in front of the other, and let the past go.

I have everything I need in life within this room.

I have my best friend.

I have an irritating brother in law.

I have two beautiful babies.

I have a husband who would do anything in the world for me.

More importantly, this moment right here is, priceless.

Lucas left when he didn't have a choice.

But, the choice to come back was his.

The choice to marry me was his.

And the choice to forgive was mine.

Moreover, forgiven him was the best choice I've ever made.

I now have a family and a home.

My heart is no longer filled with resentment. Instead, it's filled with love.

A love that's can't be tagged with a price.

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