Chapter 3

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"I'm not wearing that, Carly," I declare vehemently, standing in the center of the department store.

"Why not?" She challenges, frowning, "I believe this skimpy dress is appropriate for the occasion."

"I believe that dress screams desperate." I snicker, gawking at the slim black, thinned strapped dress with half the chest missing.

"It's bad enough that Jake is aware of my infatuation with him. If I wear that dress, he will think I'm trying too hard."

"No, he wouldn't." Carly mumbles, dragging me to the cashier. "Jake is a rockstar, Emma. Therefore, he is accustomed to many young, attractive young women wearing skanky dresses and throwing themselves at him. I think it's time for you to step your game up, girl." Carly places the dress on the counter and gives the cashier her credit card. "I'm paying, so you're definitely wearing this dress."

"I don't want to behave like the other girls, Carly. I want Jake to be himself when he's with me, and not some popular rockstar who assumes he has to impress millions of people. Though, I would love for Jake to give me a private show of my own and sing to me." I stare into space, dreaming about everything I've ever wanted in life.

"My advice to you, Emma is, to be like those other girls, and so much more. Jake Clinton is only here for one week, Emma. One week. And, so are we." My best friend shouts vehemently, as she hooks her arm through mine, and yanks me toward the exit. "You have to make tonight unforgettable. Make tonight perfect to where you ruin Jake for every other female. Lay it on him good tonight, Emma, so that he will be as obsessed with you as you are with him."

"Not everything is about sex, Carly." I roll my eyes.

"With a rockstar it is." Carly shakes her head. "Rockstars live to party, Emma. Plus, Jake is young, with a shitload of eager fans waiting to drop their panties. I doubt Jake would be ready to settle down just yet, considering he is still young. However, if you lick and suck him the way I taught you with the banana, he might settle down with you." Carly wiggles her eyebrows as she drags me into a shoe store. "I'm buying your high heels, as well." Carly releases my arm as she wanders up and down the shoe aisles. "When you meet Shawn, don't forget about your best friend in the entire world." Carly voices, while removing a pair of five-inch stilettos from the shoe rack.

"Shawn is Jake's family, Carly." I sigh. "People only introduce their dates to their family when they are serious about their relationship. Right now, I'm uncertain if Jake will even come tonight. He could have bumped into another obsessed fan after we left. Who knows, they might have signed the same contract I had, and followed him straight to his bed."

"No way," Carly objects, placing the stilettos on the counter. "Jake didn't remove his eyes from you once he spotted you. Out of that entire arena, he spotted you, Emma. Hence, the reason I doubt he will stand you up tonight."

"I hope you're right," I admit. I crave Jake Clinton more than I want my next breath. I just pray Jake is nothing like the media portrays him to be.

If that's the case, I'll be the one to stand him up. The media characterizes Jake to be this presumptuous man-whore. They make it seem like he does nothing except party and have sex.

The media constantly has new images of Jake every day with a different woman hanging on his arm.

I would hate to give Jake my virginity, and he throws me to the side like my purity meant nothing to him. I have always been a hopeless romantic who is in love with a rockstar who didn't know of my existence until yesterday.

Sheesh, I'm as pathetic as I sound. But it's Jake, and I'm helpless to control this obsession I have with him. Even if he tosses me to the side after one night. It's a chance I'm willing to accept.

I have imagined trailing my tongue over his inked Muscles. Also, I want to rub my fingers through his wild hair while he makes love to me. Hopefully, I can get it out of my system and finally find a cure for this insane obsession I have with Jake.

"Your face is flushed, Emma." Carly points out, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Tell me what you were thinking about." Carly challenges.

Carly unlocks her car, and I climb inside. "Jake." I sigh, warmly.

"All those dirty thoughts can become real tonight." Carly announces, chuckling as she inserts the key into the ignition, "You'll have me to thank after he rocks your world."

"I don't want to come on to him too heavily and intimidate him, or worse, scare him away permanently, and sabotage any chance I have with him," I admit, quietly.

"Just be you, Emma," Carly replies, pulling into our driveway. "Forget Jake is a famous rockstar. Forget he has millions of screaming fans. Just treat him like an ordinary guy who asked you on a date." Carly suggests.

I climb out of Carly's car, and walk straight to her bedroom, taking a seat at her vanity.

Carly is fantastic at fixing hair and makeup. Thus, each time we go somewhere special, I always allow her to do my hair and makeup with no questions asked.

"We're going with the red lipstick to make your eyes sparkle, and I'll do a messy hairstyle with your spiral curls hanging down the side of your face."

I wave my hand in the air, giving my best friend permission to do as she pleases. "You're a pro at this. I trust you, Carly."

After styling my hair, she begins my makeup. "Oh, yeah. He will definitely want those lips wrapped around his dick."

I jerk back, howling in laughter. "Stop, Carly, and finish so that I can get dressed."

"You're done," Carly announces, handing me the dress she purchased for me.

After sliding into the dress, and slipping my feet into the stilettos, I regard myself in the mirror, noticing the dress is skin tight, hugging every inch of my body.

Also, the dress exposes most of my chest, leaving nothing for Jake's imagination, since everything is pretty much visible to the human eye.

As I stand here, staring at myself, I hear the doorbell ring. "It's Jake Clinton himself," Carly shouts.

My eyes open wide, and my breathing becomes irregular.

Anxiously, I inhale and exhale, concentrating on breathing normally since I seemed to forget.

I assumed Jake would have sent his security guard to pick me up tonight instead of coming himself.

As soon as I hear the door shut, Carly rambles. Her mouth has been non-stopped since Jake asked me on a date. "I have had a crush on your brother for as long as Emma has crushed on you. Please, talk to Shawn, and maybe we could double date." Carly suggests, speaking freely without a care in the world.




I remain here, excessively embarrassed to meet Jake, and worried about his impression of my best friend.

The last thing I need is for my best friend to inform Jake I have a pink glittery dildo named after him, and how I enjoy pleasing myself while thinking about him.

If she reveals my dirty fantasies to Jake, he might think I'm a tramp, instead of the virgin I am. "I can do this," I mumble as I stride out of the bathroom, hoping Jake will admire what he sees.

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