chapter 10

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Presently, I rest on the floor, isolated from the world, legs crossed, leaning my head against the wall.

The memories from my childhood try to invade my mind, but I fight them from consuming my every thought until the 'Hennessy' does its job and numbs me. I can't handle the past. Moreover, today is a tough day for me because it's the day I lost them.

I lost everybody whom I assumed would always be there for me. Although I was young, eleven-years-old to be exact, the memories are vivid, clear as day, and on the day I lost them, twelve years later, I struggle to keep those dreadful memories from invading my head.

Hastily, I bring the 'Hennessy' bottle to my mouth, swallowing down huge mouthfuls of the bitter liquid until I can't breathe.

Ignoring the burning, and the shortness of breath, I drink the 'Hennessy,' straight from the bottle, until I'm dizzy, and my heart is numbed.

After changing out my nightgown, I skip into my parent's bedroom, confirming they are still sound asleep, which is strange considering my parents are always awake before I am.

My parents usually have breakfast prepared for me before I wake, and together, we'll eat before they have to leave for work. After breakfast, my parent's will take me to Carly's house, and her mother will take Carly, Lucas, his brother Christopher, and I to school.

"Mom," I whisper softly while slightly shaking her. "I'm ready for school," I announce as I peek at the clock and notice we're late.

"Daddy," I sing, walking over to his side of the bed, shaking him. "I'm late for school," I speak louder hoping they'll wake.

Usually, by this time, my best friend Lucas is here, along with his brother Christopher, and my parents would be rushing us out to the car by now.

Lucas and Christopher are my neighbors, and also our parents are business partners. Lucas parents will leave for work, and open 'C&B Dry Cleaning' while my parents drop us off at the babysitter's house.

Truthfully, I dislike being tardy for school. Walking inside my classroom after everybody has taken their seat is embarrassing. All the children will stare at me until I take my seat, and I don't particularly fancy being the center of attention.

The night before last, Lucas notified me he and his family were leaving, 'Canada' and asked me not to tattle. Although I was upset about Lucas moving to the 'States,' I didn't say anything to anybody. When my parents had asked me if I were okay, instead of telling them the truth, I fibbed and told them I was sleepy.

Lucas claimed his parents didn't want anybody to know they were relocating, but he couldn't leave without saying bye to me.

Before Lucas came over, he picked me my favorite flower from his mother's garden and pushed me on the swing until the sunset. I was devastated knowing that would be our last time seeing each other considering Lucas and I have been friends from the moment I was born.

"Mom. Dad." I holler, beginning to feel irritable.

My parents remain asleep as I glance around the room and recognize a white sheet of paper under medicine bottles.

Feeling confused, I swipe the medicine bottles to the side and read the letter.

Our little Angel,

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