Chapter 7

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"One. Two. Three." I shout before bringing my shot glass overflowing with 'Jack Daniel's' to my mouth, gulping it down.

Gradually, I inhale and exhale, struggling to lessen the burn.

"I can't do this without a chaser, Carly," I admit.

Carly closes her eyes, her cheeks tinted red as she concentrates on breathing. "Me too." She adds, removing her cash from her purse, and slaps it down on the bar, "Two glasses of Coca-Cola." Carly stares at me. "Let's try this again," Carly suggests, holding a shot glass in one hand and a glass of soda in the other.

I follow her lead, "One. Two. Three." I count, forcing the shot glass to my mouth. This time, I don't breathe while swallowing.

Afterward, I bring the glass of ice-cold soda to my lips, gulping it down slowly.

Taking a deep breath, I notice there is no burn from the 'Jack Daniel's.' It's been a long time since Carly and I have been out drinking. I suppose I just needed to warm up. "Now, this I can handle," I speak over the music, taking another shot, chasing it with the coca-cola.

"That first shot was rough," Carly declares, rubbing the center of her chest. "I'm still feeling it." She titters.

"My taste buds are numb," I inform her as I drink my sixth shot.

"Mine too," Carly claims, tugging my arm, and guiding me toward the dance floor. "If we don't slow down with the drinks, we'll finish too early. I'm not sure about you, Emma, but the night is still young, and I would like to enjoy it."

"Same here." I agree as I allow the music to trickle throughout my body, voluntarily moving my waist against Carly's as we reach the center of the dance floor.

"Give me your phone," Carly says randomly, stretching her arm outward.

I hesitate, remove my phone from my bra, and hand my cell phone over to my best friend.

I watch as she scrolls through my phone, thumbs flying over the screen before she gives it back. "I checked the weather for the night to make sure we wouldn't get caught in the rain."

I narrow my eyes, slip my phone back inside my bra, and take hold of her hands, holding them high in the air. 'Toxic' by Britney Spears reverberates throughout the dance club.

Carly and I swing our bodies to the beat, leaning our heads backward as the beat of the music thumps loudly, sending our bodies spiraling out of control, getting lost in the music.

Releasing my best friend's hands, I toss my long wavy hair on top of my head, and twist my hips in circles, dropping low, casually coming back up.

"Get it, girl," Carly cheers.

I smile as Carly shuffles away, leaving me in my own little world.

I watch Carly while I continue dancing noticing she grabbed our shot glasses and walks in my direction., "No, chasers, Emma." She challenges.

"You're going to kill me, Carly." I joke as I remove two shot glasses from her hand carefully, not wanting to spill any, and quickly chug them down.

Locking elbows, Carly and I stagger toward the bar, placing the shot glasses down loudly, and clinking the glass against the wooden bar.

'Crazy In Love,' By Beyoncé blasts from the club speakers. Excitedly, I drag Carly toward the dance floor, reclaiming our spot on the dance floor, and begin moving to the beat.

A pair of hands clutch my waist tightly as I spin in circles. My best friend moves backward, dancing with the single guy who had walked up behind her.

The guy behind me slides his hands along my sides. Before he can move any further, I seize his hands with mine, holding them steady, and place his hands on my waist. "She's taken." A voice booms.

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