
"Good morning!" Jackson yelled as I started regaining consciousness.

"Jesus Christ. What the fuck is wrong with you?" I mumble as I hide my eyes away from the sunlight beaming at me now as Jackson had pulled the curtains open.

"Get the fuck up. Were going home for dinner. Did you forget?" He asks.

"No I did not forget. You stupid idiot." I say shoving my face back into the pillow.

"Its nearly 5. Dinner is at 6. Get that suit on." He continues yelling as he rummaged through my stuff. I sigh getting up. "Get out."

"No." He smiles. "I need you out of your bed. You think I do not know any better? I leave this room... you go back to sleep?"

"Oh you know me so well Jackson. You want a fucking certificate? Maybe some chocolate brownies? Stickers?"  I say getting up annoyed because he was right.

"I will take the brownies."

"Fuck off Jackson." I say stretching my body out as I stood in my shorts. "Hide all those tattoos. Piercings out." He reminds me as I groan out. My hangover was not too bad.

"Maybe you should have stayed home last night." He says. "And listened to you and Ivy?" I ask him.  "Listen to us doing what Carter?" He smirks.

"Has she finally found the door then?" I ask

"Shes coming to dinner with us." He says smiling. "So she is moving in with us? She is now also coming to dinner at home? How absurd."

"You jealous Carter?" He asks. "You will always be my twin brother. You know that right?"

"Get out. You make me sick." I shove him out of my room as he laughs. He was so irritating. But that was probably just me. Everything irritated me. Especially Jacks. He was my identical twin brother. In the crazy world I was raised, he was crazier but with me. At all times. He was just the happy guy who attracted all the attention and people. It certainly came natural to him. The title and the fucking money helped.

I on the other hand, found it difficult making friends or building relationships. Most things pissed me off and I had a small group of friends including my twin brother.

We come from a wealthy family. Boarding school is where we spent most our years. We lived in a small town outside of Los Angeles. Jacks and I are now living in the city. He was still in school as I have dropped out recently. College just was not for me.

I get ready, brush my teeth, take a shower and fix my hair. I shaved knowing my mother would kick up a fuss. I took out my nose ring and sigh. Another rule.

I get dressed in the tailored navy coloured suit. Another rule. Dinners were a spectical.

"Ready?" Jackson yells. I walk down the stairs and into the living room.

"Why are you always yelling?" I ask my brother. He stood in an identical suit to me. His was black. My brother was identical to me and often people struggled to keep us apart.

"You both look so smart." Ivy says and I look at her. "Take a picture. Will last longer." I tell her

"What are you? 5?" She asks. "Now is this appropriate for dinner?" She asks me as she twirls around in the black dress. "Jacks will say yes to everything."

"Not when it comes to our parents." I say. "Your dress looks rather cheap."

"Carter." Jackson says frowning. "I got her that dress? It wasnt cheap."

"Im just preparing you for Angelina." I smile. Ivy looks at Jacks and he just puts his arm around her. "You letting him get to you?"

"Hes been doing it since I was 5."

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