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Joseph glared at him.

" Luis, if you are fucking with me, then I will kill you, chock you with your damn fingers."

Luis gulped. He'd never get used to their coldness, seriousness.

" It is her, she's the one." He dropped a brown envelop and stepped back respectfully. Joseph grabbed the photo and it was like a bucket of ice had been downed on him. A woman sitting by the window, her hair tied up. A book on her legs whilst she was so focused on it.

" Aurora. " He whispered.

" She's been in that town for two years, with her husbands, she never comes out, according to the locals." Luis explained, giving him evidence, voice tapes, videos.

" Husbands?" Joseph thought of it. Maybe she found other men and got married again.

" Details on her spouses?" He couldn't bring himself to say the word husband one more time.

" Here." He handed two more photos.

Joseph demeanor darkened, his eyes trained on the photos.

" They're very notorious amongst the locals, they're afraid of them. They've abused women, they've hurt men, alot of disgusting things." Luis sighed.

Joseph's mind ran back to the videos of when Carter came out of the bathroom, Aurora's fear.

He hastily took out his phone.

The line went on and on until it went to voice message.

" Love, I need you to call me back asap, it's important. Just fucking call me,.... please"

His voice held so much pain and need.  He hadn't heard from him in days, weeks. Sometimes he'd be in bed, other times he'd just disappear.

" Luis, I need you to keep tracking their movements, I need to know when they even fucking take a piss."

Luis nodded.

" How far is that place?"

" Ten hours away. A town buried in the mountains, a simple local town."

" Have my men, prepare the jet and also to fucking find Lucifer!, Because that fucker isn't going to reply my messages or damn it, call me the fuck back."

He cussed.

" Prepare the jet?," Luis questioned.

" Consider yourself my assistant now. I just need everything arranged."

Joseph glared at his confused expression.

" Do I take that as a no?" He looked frightening enough.

Luis regained his composure.

" What?, No!, Yes, I mean an extra job would be great." He said sarcastically.

" Don't be fucking sarcastic with me, I'd cut your damn tongue."

That shut him up.

Joseph was waiting at the airport, dressed in a dark blue shirt with the sleeves rolled up, his hair was disheveled and his eyes were gloomy and tired.

He had waited for a day to pass but then, there was no fucking sign of Lucifer, the idiot had disappeared to God knows where and it was frustrating the hell outta him.

They had to get her back from them. He was afraid he'd be too late. Those two were messed up, they derived pleasure from hurting her to the extreme. O Lu God knew how much damage they'd done to her.

He threw his phone against the floor, breaking it. He pressed his fist to his head.

" Why isn't he fucking picking up!" He yelled, frustrated.

" I've called him more than a hundred times and all I get is to leave a message." Luis added.

" Is he insane?!" Joseph asked himself.

" I don't think so." Luis added quietly.

" I wasn't talking to you!" He scolded.

Luis phone rang loudly. He answered and placed the phone against his ear.

Joseph was busy walking back and forth. He'd lost his composure. He couldn't be quiet and analyze things as he was used to doing. He didn't have a plan.. which was so unlike him.

Luis stretched out the phone to Joseph.

He eyed the device.

" Very important." He mouthed to Joseph.

He snatched it and listened.

" Jos,"

He froze for a second.

"Lu?, Love?," He stuttered.

On the other side....

Isaiah snatched the device from the man tied to a chair, blood trickling down his face, and staining his already bloodied shirt.

Lucifer wanted to take the phone hear his husband's voice one more time.

" If it isn't the hopeless romantic," Joseph's hands balled into fists.

" Isaiah," he called out his name.

" Oh yes, you remembered my name, I'm flattered."

" I've got your sweet husband." He taunted.

" Don't you dare," Lucifer pleaded. He didn't need to know. It wasn't..

" I get why you fucking love his ass, holds unto you like a vice." Irani joined as they laughed, mockingly.

Joseph swallowed hard, his eyes hard on the floor. He felt pain. Lucifer could have anyone he wanted but not his worst enemy. That was unfair. He felt betrayed.

" What do you want?" He asked after a minute of silence, stretching to infinity.

" The lands, mate, all I ever wanted, needed. I'm exchange for your dearly beloved, husband. "

Joseph was stuck between a hard place and a rock. One hand he had to go save Aurora and on the other, he had to save Lucifer.

" You have two hours, show up and sign ownership over or, I fuck him one more time and gut his brains out, send a nice present with a hand written message."

" Your time starts now."

The line beeped.

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