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Aurora poured the eggs unto the plates. She had cleaned the house, discovering that they had no help. It was a large mansion why didn't they have anyone taking care of it. She was sore from last night but then the idea of cooking for them was too warm to pass on. For the past two days, all their foods were ordered.

She was too busy to notice, Lucifer walking down the stairs in nothing but a pair of silk boxers, his naked chest a sight to behold.

He yawned and rubbed the blur from his eyes. His eyes captured the vixen in their kitchen, in just a maroon robe which accentuated her curves. He smirked, his cock stirring in his pants.

The atmosphere smelled delicious, long time since he felt such warmth. Joseph and him were the happiest, yes but then they were either too busy at the office, fucking, and  slitting throats to give a fuck about cooking, the little things.

The number of times they'd ordered food was uncountable.

His thoughts were brought to an abrupt stop when Joseph descended down the stairs in a black sweatpant and a see through shirt.

A glass of whiskey in his hands, " Ain't it too early for that?."

After waking up tangled together, Joseph had left for the study and the alcohol on the desk was hypnotizing.

" Couldn't control it love," he placed a kiss on Lucifer's lips. How he loved their morning kisses.

" Mhm, smells delicious in here, cooked something?" Joseph asked.

Lucifer snotted, " Me?, Cook?, Fuck me."

" It's Aurora." He gestured with a tilt of his head. Joseph glanced towards the kitchen. Aurora felt something hot burning through her, causing her to turn. She found the two men staring at her. She swallowed, did they not like it?. After all they wanted sex for a week, and she was cooking for them. Wasn't that intruding?.

He watched as they walked over in all their glory. She had never seen such panty dampening creatures ever.

" Good morning kitten," Lucifer greeted sitting on the other side. She smiled softly.

" Good morning, Lucifer." Lucifer didn't have a problem with it but Joseph did. She was getting too close, to familiar. She'd be the first woman who'd touched their kitchen and the memory wasn't one to just pass out on. It'd be a permanent reminder.

" You're just temporary." He voiced out, coldly.

" Jos," Lucifer tried to intervene.

" No Lu, I had to remind her that. There is no place for her here, she's just a fucking toy, nothing else, so don't get it twisted, Aurora. You're not going to be our lovely little wife cooking breakfast." He sneered.

She hadn't expected it to hurt that much. But it did. Joseph was always the problem. She wasn't trying to get between them, neither was she planning of staying, she knew her place.

" Fucking prick," she slammed the spoon on the counter and walked away from the two, leaving their breakfast for them to shove it up their ass.

" You shouldn't have done that, Jos." Lucifer wasn't pleased by it. He wasn't a lovey dovey hopeless romantic but common decency and respect for Aurora. She wasn't like the women that'd throw themselves at them. She didn't throw herself at them, it was the other way round.

" Done what?" Joseph acted unfazed.

" It was blatant insult. She didn't throw herself at us. I brought her here." He barked. Joseph glared at his husband.

" I hate people who overstep their welcome, Lu, and you know it. She was being too comfortable and I hate it. There's only four days left until she leaves, can't have her falling into some theory of falling in love with us."

Lucifer scoffed grabbing a plate and throwing the scrambled eggs and pancakes at him.

" You're so fucking full of yourself. Suit your taste, order a fucking breakfast buffet and fuck it. " Lucifer walked away.

Joseph sighed. He had regretted his actions. She was just trying to repay them. She was just being helpful.

" Fuck." He cussed and followed them up the stairs.

"Lu, love, wait!" He grabbed his arm. He gave him a bored.look.

" I'm sorry ,okay, I just feel like it's going too far, we've only being intimate once and I don't think I can handle her not being here, between us." He confessed. The thoughts kept him up at night.

" She's caused a rift. Caused a big difference, an imbalance." Joseph exhaled.

" We can always add in a third patner Jos, she's very,"

" Suitable for us." Joseph ended.

" But she's bot willing to tell us about her, she's hiding something from us."

" Which she always will if we keep acting like dicks to her. Would you try to for me?" Lucifer's words pleaded.

" You prefer her." Joseph's voice was pained.

" I prefer you two. I want to fuck you with her wetness lubricating my dick, that's what I need, I want." Lucifer was just as surprised and worried as him. After last night, he couldn't imagine love making any other way.

" Be less vulgar." He scolded.

Joseph pulled Lucifer into a heated kiss before pulling away breathless.

" She looks like the type to run easily."

Lucifer gestured towards the hallway to her room. Joseph groaned internally.

" I'll handle her. I covered the other plate, go eat." He smacked Lucifer's butt. He chuckled as he descended down the stairs.

" Give her thorough fuck at that. Makes it easier." Lucifer taunted knowing Joseph's worst trait of hating apologizing.

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