Ch.22 Leaving Without Return!

Start from the beginning

She lost her appetite for dinner, so she apologized and went to her room. She closed the door to be isolate a little by her own. Her tears kept falling on her cheeks until it stopped once she went in a deep sleep. At the same time, Blaze was recording a video on his phone to send it to her.

" >> I realised what the risk I put you in lately, and I'm sorry.

The creatures are everywhere and started to be a lot, not just three or two creatures.

The day before yesterday, I was fighting one of those zombies and...

( He rolled up his brown sweatshirt's sleeve to show her the black and dark purple veins in his forearm.)

I think your job in my life was to save me for fighting those zombies and seems that it end up here... Love wasn't by our sides from the beginning, Allie. ( he wipes his fake tears)

We were just running behind it, even though it wasn't wanting us. I'm...I know you will be heartbroken, but all of this for your safety...

Althea!... I love you...I love you every second, every minute, everyday and forever. You will be the only and one person who I fell in love with. << "

>> Until we meet! <<

He sent it to her, then he closed the phone and started wearing his old clothes which are the black satin cloak with dark grey on the edges, black trousers, boots and shirt with short V neck. He took a last quick look at the apartment, then he dropped himself down of the balcony. Althea couldn't accept his video and started ringing the doorbell, hilariously while she's shouting by his name.

She kept knocking on the door at the same time she rings the bell and shouting by his name, until the neighbour in the next apartment told her that no one inside because he left at dawn. A condition of quietness fell on her, but her full body was trembling as her head was shaking " No, I don't believe you! "

* I apologize for annoying you, sir! Come on, Allie! * suddenly, her mother appeared from behind Althea and talked with a little smile at the man, then she grabbed her daughter's hand to get on the elevator / lift.

* Nathan didn't take a minute for stabbing me or not, to stay alive and save himself. Blaze also did the same thing. He left without allowing me to talk or...* she leant her back on the mirror in the elevator and talked while her tears making her vision unclear, then she stopped when her mother interrupted her.

* Nathan, what?! What are you talking about? * the mother held Althea's arm to stop her after they got out of the elevator.

At this moment, Althea felt that she got in trouble, and now she's trying to find the way to get out. Blaze entered his palace and took a deep breath with longing, then he went inside. When he entered his office, he got surprised by the mess. It was like if there was a tornado in this place. Chairs are broken, papers and other stuff are everywhere on the floor even the window was broken.

He checked the other two buildings and they were the same. He went out to the front garden and looked around, but he was the only one who's here. Without previous warning, he got choked as if someone's wrapping his arm around his neck. The sword appeared in Blaze's hand, but for the first time, it was useless.

He even tried to make random movements to save himself, but he couldn't. The shock was when the lightning started hitting behind him and nothing happened. When he felt that he's about to lose his unconscious, he found himself falling on the floor on his knees and hearing a few voices behind him.

He closed his eyes, strengthenly to gather his powers and energy together for getting up. Suddenly, he got surprised by the one who kneeled in front of to hug him.

* Sir! It's you!! Oh my god, I missed you so much! * Ace hugged him happily while they're on the floor in an embarrassing situation.

* Ace! * with hoarseness in his voice, Blaze talked in a low voice while he's closing eyes, feeling dizziness and making Ace feel how much he is heavy because he became full unconscious.

An hour and half later, he was in the bedroom at Ace's house. He opened his eyes and got up suddenly in panic when he found his shirt was cutting, vertically, showing his chest until his belly's muscles. He checked on his forearm and found the black and dark purple veins are still there.

" If Dabria knew, she will kill me, immediately before I turn into them and I won't be able to come back to Althea... If I didn't find the treatment without knowing anyone, I'll be a deadly weapon for serving Scar's desires... I hope no one knew about that."

He stared at the veins for a few seconds, then he quickly covered his forearm when he heard noise in front of the sliding door of the room. Ace knocked, then he entered with a tray that contains food and a cup of some herbs with another guy who was wearing a black clothes, black coat with a hood that covers his head, a mask that cover his face in black color on a side while the other side was white.

* You need to eat for healing, sir!... Welcome back! * Ace talked while he's putting the tray on the bed next to Blaze, then he added.

* Is that a new learner?! * he asked, confused.

* Actually...*

* Yes, sir! I'm Dennis. *

Well, Ace was shocked even his mouth was about to fall in the floor. He wasn't expecting that he would lie to him. He quickly removed the shock and looked at Blaze to continue the lie that the other had created. " Yes! He's Dennis!" Ace said with fake smile.

* My parents told me since I was a kid about your adventures with your little brother, I mean the prince. * Dennies tried to show happiness and exciting in his voice while he's crossing his arms across his chest.

* If they told you about how much I love my little brother and how much we were best friends to each other, they lied to you... We were enemies to each other. Even the last time when we promised each other to fight by each other side, he betrayed me. * Blaze got silent and frustration started creating a halo around him, then continued talking.

* He didn't betray you!!! I got betrayed by Scar when I chose one of those golden balls. It wasn't my fault that all the golden balls contain the word " Life "!!! *

🌸 End of the chapter 🌸

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