Ch. 4 Treachery!

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Previously: ✨️

Note💡: Treachery menas: things that are done to deceive someone who trusts you.

Nathan was angry from Althea when she told him, and indirectly, he was trying to make her promise him not to read fantasy books and go to that shop again. But, she had never listened to him, and she went to buy that strange book that shines with golden light secretly.

Before midnight's, the book made her boyfriend fade in front of her. Panic and fear ran her body until the first stroke of the midnight. The book sent the golden light towards her for taking her.

Note💡: Stroke mean: one of the sounds that some clocks make at a particular time, especially ringing a bell once for each number of the hour.

💡✨️ Let's continue...✨️💡

Into the green forest that covered by different colours of flowers and the sunlight on each tree trunk, she was lying on the green grass while her brown hair was straightened on the ground and her hazel eyes were shining. She started opening her eyes one by one until she got surprised by where she is.

She got up suddenly and started looking around to find the way out of here. She decided to walk forward until she got out, but she got shocked by the huge castle in front of her that covered by snow. She walked along the way to the castle, and when she was about to knock on the door, it got opened by itself.

The sunlights were lighting most of the castle, and that helped her to see clearly a little bit. " What should I do? " she asked herself. A few minutes later, while she's standing still, she heard someone's shouting out and screaming for helping. She listened to his voice with interest, and then she opened her eyes widely.

She started following the voice until it led her to a long stairs. Suddenly, she felt fear, and she got hesitated about climbing the stairs, even though she knows Nathan is up there. She got over fear and climbed the stairs quickly for saving him. The stairs have no end as she thinks because she stayed climbing for fifteen minutes.

A window without glass and a prison were waiting for her at the end of the stairs. She stared at the one who's inside the prison, standing and leaning his hands that have many bloody scratches on the wall, giving her his back.

* Nathan! * she hurried to him while she's calling by his name in a crying tone.

* Thea!...No, No, No! You have to get out of here! Run, Thea!* he turned to the voice suddenly and got shocked, even he ran towards her while he's calling by her name out. He shook his head "No!", then he talked, fearly.

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