Ch.19 Demons In The Real World!

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✨️Previously: ✨️

The summary for about Althea is her existing in Blaze's life wasn't a coincidence as she understood from the owner of the Magic Shop. For about Blaze, two memories got brought to the light when Ace told him to come to see something. The little burned house in the forest, which the two friends are standing in front of, set the two memories free of the deepest point inside Blaze's mind.

One of them was about the promise that he and Hybrid made, but the youngest broke it while the other memory was about seeing blood and scratches on the little prince's body who was bewteen ten and eleven years old while he's running away from his mother who never stopped hitting and hurting him cruelly as if she never born as a human.

✨️💡 Let's continue...💡✨️

Four months had passed, and her passion for seeing Blaze gradually began to decrease. She got back to her old life, but this time, she was over the moon because her parents became over caring of her, even they everytime ask her what she wants to do on the weekend. For about the book, she kept under her eyes, hoping that the cover shines again once she passes her hand on it.

On Friday's night, all of them packed up their luggage for spending the summer vacation in San Diego. It was a quiet night for her parents, but it wasn't for Thea at all. The whole night, she was worried and uncomfortable, making her can't sleep, and the reason for that was unknown. Every ten minutes, she looks outside the window, then she goes back to try sleeping.

In the morning, her mother got surprised by her daughter's eyes, which exhausted, and those black circles around them. She tried to know the reason, but Althea didn't give her a convince answer. The distance between San Diego and LA (Los Angeles) is two hours and sixteen minutes. Although her parents were talking and singing along the songs the whole way, she was sleeping comfortably.

Her parents were trying their best to make her happy. But... They always feel that's not enough, and she's not satisfied, even though she's okay and appreciates what they do for her, but she feels tied. She feels as if there's someone hugging her strongly, making her can't move. In addition, those eyes which are watching her every night.

She felt lack of Oxygen after midnight, so she got out of her room, going down the stairs and walked outside the small villa that the distance between it and the beach almostly three minutes maximum. On the sand, wearing light green top without sleeves and white trousers above her knees a little, she sat and started talking to herself honestly about how much she's missing him and she can't deceive herself more than that.

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