Chapter 13

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Cassie walked through the huge Pizzaplex ruins with the daycare attendant.

Since the girl didn't have a flashlight anymore, it was pretty dark in the tunnels. Only the blue and yellow glow from Eclipse's arms lit up the darkness a bit.

"Um...maybe we should turn back. It's dangerous here." said Eclipse as small pieces of debris broke loose from the ceiling and fell to the floor. He picked up the girl to protect her.

"No! We have to find Monty. He has to be around here somewhere." said Cassie. "Put me down Eclipse!"

"I'm concerned for your safety little girl." said Eclipse and then carefully set Cassie down on the floor in front of himself.

Cassie sighed softly and continued walking through the ruins. Eclipse followed her and kept an eye out for possible things that could be dangerous for the girl.

Suddenly, a pole came loose from the ceiling and rushed straight at the girl. Eclipse grabbed Cassie and immediately pulled her out of the way. The pole crashed into a wall and got stuck in it.

"Safety mode. Safety mode. Protect child." said Eclipse.

"Th...thank you. You saved me." Cassie said, looking wide-eyed at the pole that was now stuck in the wall.

Eclipse gently looked down at Cassie with his red eye and yellow eye, then stroked her head.

Cassie and the daycare attendant walk through an open wall into the old storage room. The room was full with shelves and boxes.

There was debris lying around everywhere. Dirty torn plushies were lying around among some piles of debris.

Cassie looked around the storage room and saw a graffiti on the wall 'Roxy is a selfish bitch.'

Cassie got angry when she saw this graffiti. "Roxy is NOT a selfish bitch! She is and always will be the best! And she is my favorit!" said the girl and turned away from this graffiti.

Eclipse looked inside a box and found colored ball pit balls.

"These are the balls from the daycare ball pit." said Sundrop.

Then the girl and the daycare attendant continued into a next room. Dirty water spurted out of a pipe and flooded the floor with it. Cassie and Eclipse carefully climbed over some debris.

"Be careful not to fall into the water, little girl." said Eclipse in a worried voice. "I hope you can swim."

Suddenly, a half-broken rusty security bot crawled out from behind an overturned table and tried to grab Cassie's leg. The girl screamed. As the security bot almost grabbed Cassie's leg, debris collapsed over the bot.

Cassie let out a relieved breath.

"Are you alright little girl?" asked Eclipse.

The girl nodded.

Cassie and the daycare attendant went deeper into the ruins.

"Nap time, nap time, no crafts or treats to share...Nap time, nap time, the googly eyes just stare..." murmured Sundrop sadly to himself. "Play clay all crumbled dry. Spilled tempers and glues. No laughs. No fun. No crafts. No more sunny hues." Sun began to sob lightly.

"Eclipse, can you please make Sundrop shut up? His voice is really annoying!" said Cassie.

Eventually, Cassie found the legless animatronic alligator. He was trapped under a pile of debris and roared angrily.

"Monty? Wait I'll help you." said the girl. As Cassie approached, Monty bared his teeth and tried to bite her.

Cassie backed away, startled, as Monty tried to bite her. His teeth were sharp enough to injure her.

"Oh that's not nice of you that you tried to bite that little girl you bad bad alligator!" said Sundrop angrily to Monty.

"I don't need any help from a stupid child!" Monty said and tried to lift the debris but couldn't.

"You really should accept the help or would you rather stay trapped under the debris? It's your choice Mr. Gator." Eclipse said, crossing his arms.

Monty looked at Cassie and growled. "Why should I trust you?! A girl named Lena was to blame for the fact that I lost my legs! You're a girl too!" he said coldly.

"Lena is my friend. I'm sure she's very sorry for what she did to you back then." said Cassie. "We want to fix you Monty!"

Monty grumbled and then nodded in agreement. "Okay, I accept your help!" he then said.

Cassie smiled and together with the daycare attendant cleared away all the debris until Monty was no longer trapped under it.

Eclipse picked up legless Monty and carried him. The girl and the daycare attendant made their way back down to the parts and service area.

When they entered the Parts and Service room, they saw that Bonnie and Chica were fixed. Roxanne was still fixing the pirate fox.

"We found Monty." said Cassie. Eclipse nodded.

"Great that you both found my old buddy Monty. I'll fix him." said Freddy smiling.

Freddy carefully took Monty and placed him on the table. With Leon's and Bonnie's help, the animatronic bear went to work fixing the animatronic alligator.

Lena was still scrubbing some stubborn old bites of food off the animatronic chicken. "Don't worry Chica you'll be completely clean soon." said Lena.

Then finally Monty and Foxy were fixed and looked brand new.

Foxy circled Roxy and eyed her with interest then he stopped right in front of her and gently lifted her chin with his hook. "Thank you for fixing me, my pretty." he said.

Roxy's tail wagged back and forth.

Monty was glad he had his legs back and felt strong and powerful again. "Thanks." said the animatronic alligator.

"It was really hard work but we actually managed to fix all animatronics." said Leon smiling. Lena and Cassie nodded.

"Thank you so much for fixing and cleaning me." Chica said happily and hugged Lena gently. The animatronic chicken was now scrubbed so clean it almost shone like a diamond.

"You're welcome." said Lena to Chica.

"And where should we go now? The Pizzaplex is a destroyed ruin, we can't stay here anymore." Bonnie said, letting his rabbit ears droop. Freddy stood next to him and nodded sadly.

" you can all get temporary accommodation in the children's play world?" suggested Cassie. "Until the Mega Pizzaplex is rebuilt."

"The children's play world is almost the same as the Pizzaplex building. There is a bouncy castle, carousels, a go-kart track, a huge ball pit and much more." said Leon.

"That sounds wonderful." said Sundrop cheerfully. "I really want to go there."

Lena looked around. "Um...where are Roxy and Foxy?" she asked.

Monty looked in the direction Foxy and Roxy were standing.

Roxy and Foxy stood behind the dome and kissed while gently intertwining their tails.

"You are so beautiful Roxy." said the pirate fox. Roxanne smiled then looked away in embarrassment.

"See I knew Roxy has a crush on Foxy." Leon whispered to Lena with a grin.

"Yes and Foxy has a crush on Roxy." Lena whispered back to Leon.

Freddy looked a bit sad and jealous while looking in Foxy's and Roxy's direction.

Cassie and Lena looked at each other smiling and then giggled softly.

The Ruined Pizzaplex (FNaF Security Breach Ruin)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt